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3DS Download

Colors! 3D – £5.40

3DS Video

The 3D Machine – £0.90


GO Series: Escape Trick Convenience Store – £4.50 / 500 points


Rush Rush Rally Racing – 900 points

As was the case with the DreamWorks videos made available in North America last year, The 3D Machine will cost a bit of cash to download.

Source: Nintendo PR

Spanish website conducted an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto at the Louvre Museum. Miyamoto spoke about his retirement, expressed interest in returning to the Wii Music idea, and apparently said that Nintendo will be showing off a new Mario game for Wii U at E3 2012.

I say apparently because the article doesn’t contain a direct quote from Miyamoto about a Wii U Mario title. The writeup does state, however, that “Nintendo will present a new Super Mario for this platform, which will combine the TV screen with the controller.”

elmundo’s article mentions the following points:

– Nintendo is making new types of games as traditional types are now being released on iPhone/Android
– Miyamoto is readying his staff for his retirement; he’s taking young/bright developers under his direct command
– Miyamoto is working on a few small projects, but is very focused on Pikmin 3 and Luigi’s Mansion 2
– Nintendo will show a new Super Mario game for Wii U at E3; it will combine the TV screen with the new controller
– Miyamoto wants to do more with the Wii Music idea

If Nintendo is presenting a new Mario project at E3, it would be more likely for them to show off EAD Tokyo’s new game (Mario Galaxy, Mario 3D Land team) rather than New Super Mario Bros. Mii. We’re already getting a 2D sidescroller for the 3DS this year, so it’s unlikely that the Wii U will see a similar experience.

Source, Via

Metroid Prime is one of the most intriguing titles for the GameCube. It was created by an unknown development team – no one had any idea Retro Studios would rise to the challenge presented to them – and the project went through a tumultuous development cycle.

There were quite a few aspects that were left on the cutting room floor, such as enemies and locations. NeoGAF member “Mama Robotnik” has uncovered some of this lost content. We were aware of some of these elements, but not all.

Lots of concepts, general art pieces, and other images can be found in the gallery above, which features Kraid, alternate Ridley designs, and a whole lot more. Head past the break for a breakdown of the pictures.

Square Enix will offer new Theatrhythm Final Fantasy songs through downloadable content this week.

As usual, four songs will be available. Final Fantasy 1’s Temple of the Deep (field stage), Final Fantasy V’s Battle 1 (battle stage), Final Fantasy X’s Movement in Green (field stage), and Final Fantasy XII’s Shitou (battle stage) are the new selections.

Each piece of music launches on April 18 for 150 yen each. You can find samples for all of the songs above.


Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez has offered high praise for the Wii U.

Speaking about the new system at iDÉAME 2012, Rodriguez told Blogocio that it’s “all too far the most powerful console in the history of Nintendo” (rough translation). He believes it will be competing on the market “for 5 or 10 years.”

Rodriguez was also questioned about the Wii U’s power. Although Nicalis hasn’t fully exploited the console (doing so is unnecessary for the company’s projects), Rodriguez stated that it should meet gamers’ expectations.

Ultimately, though, Rodriguez said the experience will matter the most. He thinks we’ll be comparing the quality of games rather than the visual prowess of consoles.

Some of this shouldn’t come as a surprise – who thought the Wii U wouldn’t be Nintendo’s most powerful console? It’s nonetheless encouraging to see encouraging comments from a studio like Nicalis.

Nicalis’ first Wii U title is 1001 Spikes. The game will be released on the 3DS eShop sometime this year. The Wii U version should arrive later – perhaps in time for the launch of Nintendo’s new console?


More Pokemon Black/White 2 details have emerged from the latest CoroCoro scans and Pokemon Smash. We have information about the game in general along with an update on the Unova’s changes since the original games.

The new details are as follows:


– Tepig, Snivy, Oshawott will be offered as starting Pokemon
– More detailed routes
– Azurill and Lillipup were seen together within an early route during Pokemon Smash
– New animations for the Pokemon
– Hiougi City is much larger than previous starting areas

Unova map differences

– Unity Tower shown
– Route 4 is now lined with building reminiscent of a mining town in architecture
– New gateway building between Route 4 and Nimbasa City
– Entralink is completely different, including no moat, Entree seems to be a waterfall of some sort, no Entralink bridge (though it still exists above the rivers)
– Driftveil City is very different, lighthouse does not exist, two “craters” exist, shipping docks are less developed
– New city directly south of Driftveil City, another new city west and slightly south of that, and then Hiougi City southwest of that.
– The electric web in front of Chargestone Cave has been removed
– Challenger’s Cave no longer exists
– Poké Transfer Lab carefully covered with ice
– Ice seems to be translucent, as Poké Transfer Lab’s outline seems to be visible
– New area (possibly a building) due north of Poké Transfer Lab
– There is a yellow building to the right of the Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa City. The path in front of it also now extends across to the stream.
– Castelia City, Anville Town, and Opelucid City seem to be identical to before
– Ice is used to cover up parts of the region, simply an overlay layer

Source 1, Source 2

1001 Spikes details

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nicalis was showing off the just-revealed 1001 Spikes at iDÉAME 2012. iDÉAME is a gathering of sorts for indie developers.

As previously mentioned, 1001 Spikes is remake of the Xbox Live Marketplace release, Aban Hawkins & the 1000 Spikes.

The first gameplay details have arrived and are as follows:

– Demo begins in a jungle close to a waterfall
– A: shoot
– B: jump
– Y: high jump
– Noticeable differences in the two jumps
– Other buttons aren’t used, nor is the touch screen
– Find a key that opens a door in each level
– Enemies, falling blocks, ravines, and other obstacles will get in your way
– Style comparable to Cave Story and La-Mulana

Note that the 3DS eShop version was tested. Gameplay will be similar if not identical to the Wii U digital download version.


WWE All Stars made it out for the 3DS last year. At this time, it’s unclear if there will be more wrestling action on the system in 2012.

When THQ’s WWE Global Community Manager Aaron Kaufman was asked about a new title for the 3DS, suggesting a possible WrestleFest game with DLC he said, “cool idea, unfortunately no”.

To me this sort of sounds like a no to the WrestleFest idea rather than ruling out a project for the 3DS entirely. There are others, though, who think otherwise. Maybe THQ will clarify the situation soon…

Source, Via

I’m pretty certain this trailer is identical to the launch trailer we posted a few days ago. The only difference I see is an additional five seconds added in showing off the Commemorative Golden Coins Club Nintendo reward.

Screenshots are of the 3DS version. I imagine the Wii U version won’t look much different.


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