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On this week’s episode: Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, Pokemon Rumble Blast, James Noir’s Hollywood Crimes and Pokemon Rumble Blast at NYCC.

Next year, Mega Man and Street Fighter turn 25. Fans of these franchises will be pleased to hear that Capcom has anniversary plans for both IPs.

Capcom’s Christian Svensson provided the following information on the Capcom-Unity boards…

“25th for MM and 25th for Street Fighter next year. Both will have ‘things’ to commemorate the occasion. Exactly what is in planning stages but the are solid ideas already being batted around I hope you guys will like. …But please bear in mind, they won’t happen until some time in our next fiscal year begins mostly (so still a good ways away).”

Hmmm… I wonder what Capcom has in store. Something tells me that there plans don’t involve Mega Man Legends-related, though…


Rhythm Heaven Wii will have a new title in North America. Nintendo’s latest financial report indicates that it will be called “Rhythem Heaven Fever”. I have no idea if that’s a typo, since “Rhythm” is spelled incorrectly…

In any case, North American Wii owners can look forward to the game sometime next year. Although its release date is listed as “TBA”, one one think that Nintendo will launch the title before the Wii U arrives.

Missed GTTV’s Nintendo episode last night? If so, you can watch the whole show online. I don’t believe embed code is available, so you’ll have to head on over to GameTrailers to view it.


Bomberman Hero – November 1 – 1,000 points


Sugoro Quest – November – 500 points

Mega Drive

Super Street Fighter II – November – 600 points
Strider – November – 600 points

Super Famicom

Metal Max Returns – November – 800 points

Neo Geo

Sengoku – November 1 – 900 points
World Heroes 2 – November – 900 points

Hey, the Wii Virtual Console isn’t dead… kind of. Nintendo needs to get things going in North America and Europe again!

The latest Iwata Asks featuring Super Mario 3D Land has gone live and is now available in English. You can find a ton of details from the discussion after the break. Please be aware that some of the information pertains to post-game content.

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