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Update: Bumped to the front page with details.

– Work on Most Wanted finished in 2012
– Team took some time off, then a small group came back to work on the Wii U version
– Uses PC textures and assets
– More high-quality look
– More detailed roads, improved lighting, draw-distance tweaked
– “by far the best looking version of the game”
– Supports GamePad, Wiimote and nunchuck, steering wheel, Pro Controller
– Supports Miiverse fully
– Autolog/Miiverse integration
– Demo confirmed

Yesterday, Activision confirmed a release date for Call of Duty: Black Ops II’s Revolution DLC on the PlayStation 3 and PC. That leaves Wii U as the only console with uncertainty surrounding downloadable content.

Even some of the closer folks at Activision are unsure as to what the Black Ops II DLC situation is like on Wii U – including social media manager Dan Amrich.

When asked about the Revolution DLC for Wii U, Amrich tweeted:


Resident Evil: Revelations HD will support GamePad and Wii U Pro Controller options. What players won’t be able to do is control the game with a Wiimote and nunchuck.

Capcom’s Mike Lumm wrote on Capcom-Unity:

“Unfortunately [Revelations] is only supported by the Wii-U gamepad at the moment. We’re doing what we can to get the new classic controller compatibility, but the game’s not setup to track motions from the wii-remote at this time.”

Wouldn’t it be neat to see a Wiimote and nunchuk setup through a patch? The wording of “at this time” doesn’t shut the door on the possibility completely…

Source, Via

During its investors call last week, Ubisoft provided an update about its financial status regarding Wii U.

CEO Yves Guillemot started out by noting the console’s “slow launch”. While the company is “satisfied by our market share in the US and Europe”, Guillemot said that its “performance was impacted by low-tie ratios.”

A slew of new first-party Wii U titles were announced during a Nintendo Direct last month. Guillemot feels that some of these releases will “boost its potential.”

“Regarding Wii U, while we are satisfied by our market share in the US and Europe – at respectively 20% and 27% – our performance was impacted by low-tie ratios. Nintendo has recently announced the coming release of some of their great brands on Wii U, and we believe it will boost its potential.”

Wii U may not have obtained the same sort of success as the Wii did at launch, but it was by no means a disaster. Since then, though, sales have fallen off.

GameStop CFO Rob Lloyd spoke about the Wii U’s performance at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference earlier today. While he noted that the system’s launch “performed at expectation”, interest has waned.

Lloyd said there are a “variety of theories as to why that might be.” One big reason is the lack of a true “blockbuster” – in other words, a system seller.

Lloyd’s comments on Wii U sales in full:

“We were pleased with the allocation [of Wii U units] that we got through the launch. I think for us, it performed at expectation. I think what what you’re [now] seeing is the interest has not been to the overall level that [Nintendo] had hoped for. And it’s not performing like the Wii did. There are a variety of theories as to why that might be. But among them is there hasn’t been the blockbuster from Nintendo. So Nintendo I think understands the need to have that first-party software available to drive Wii U sales.”

Nintendo has some heavy hitters on the way – it’s just a matter of when big titles will be released. We know Wind Waker HD is due out this fall, but something like Mario Kart or that new 3D Mario could boost sales as well.


Remember last holiday season when Nintendo released a limited-run pink and white 3DS XL? Well, it sold out relatively quickly and may people were upset that they couldn’t get their hands on one in time. So what does the big N do? They’ve decided to bring it back, and now you can purchase the system from Gamestop and other stores “coast to coast” starting this week!

Via Polygon

For the first time, Renegade Kid will be supporting a Nintendo console. And there’s good reason: co-founder Jools Watsham sees a bright future ahead for Wii U.

Sharing his thoughts on the system, Watsham said:

“I am certain the Wii U will have an excellent future. The writing is on the wall. It is an excellent console. Nintendo has some amazing titles lined up for future releases. Even though Q1 2013 may have had some issues, I predict that the 2013 holiday season will be huge for the Wii U. Nintendo’s campaign for the Wii U has only just begun.”

Along with Wii U, Renegade Kid will continue to create games for the 3DS eShop. Mutant Mudds 2 has already been confirmed for the platform, but we’ll probably be forced to wait until 2014 before its arrival.

According to Watsham:

“We have a lot of projects going on right now, and Mutant Mudds 2 is one of them. But, it’s going to be a while before we can share any more information on it. Due to our busy schedule, it is looking like Mudds 2 will be a 2014 release.”


Straight Right, the team behind Mass Effect 3 on Wii U, is porting a “big” game set “in a well known franchise” to Wii U for Square Enix. What might that project be?

Square Enix and Straight Right haven’t haven’t said anything since that discovery was made, but news could be coming soon.

Last week, a fan asked the studio on Twitter if they could provide any hints about its mystery Wii U title. Straight Right didn’t budge, but hinted that it may have an update after DICE – which wrapped up a few days ago.

Source, Via

SEGA has denied rumors that Aliens: Colonial Marines was primarily developed by TimeGate Studios. A rumor originating from last year reared its head yesterday, claiming that Gearbox only worked on the game’s multiplayer aspects.

Speaking with Playnews during the Italian Aliens: Colonial Marines’ launch event, SEGA of America senior producer Matthew J. Powers denied the speculation.

Powers said:

“Absolutely not, the game has been developed by Gearbox Software. Other studios [like Timegate] helped Gearbox on the production of single and multiplayer.”


Even Michel Ancel is upset about Rayman Legends’ delay. The Rayman creator has been seen with other dev team staffers in photos protesting Ubisoft’s decision to push back the game.

A banner depicted in snapshots includes the words “Release Rayman. Support Ubisoft Montpelier.” Rayman’s speech bubble says “SVP” – which is “please” in English – and the character himself is crying.

Rayman Legends’ delay on Wii U was announced last week. The game is essentially done, but it won’t be hitting Nintendo’s console until early September so that work on newly announced PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 versions can be completed. Ubisoft wishes to release all three editions of Rayman Legends simultaneously in order to avoid two separate launches.


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