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Rayman Legends has lost its Wii U exclusivity. Ubisoft has confirmed that the game will be also be released on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Fans will be able to grab Legends for either platform in September. Unfortunately, the Wii U version has now been delayed from February 26 to September as well. Ubisoft Montreal is working on all three releases of Rayman Legends.

Geoffroy Sardin, EMEA chief marketing & sales officer, commented:

“We heard from many Xbox & Playstation owners and Rayman fans who told us they really wanted to play Rayman Legends on their current system. We decided to give the fans what they wanted while at the same time broadening the audience exposed to this innovative and memorable game.”

Source: Ubisoft PR

Zelda is back… in book form!

Author: Patrick

Full disclosure: I’m probably the only writer for Nintendo Everything who doesn’t really consider myself a fan of the Zelda series. My opinion of every Zelda game tends to dramatically vary, but I think the series’ art is the one area that the games consistently excel at. And so when it was announced that Dark Horse would be publishing a combination of art and history book to celebrate the Zelda series, of course I jumped at the chance to review it. The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia sure makes a great first impression. Even the regular edition Hyrule Historia has a hardcover and with over 250 pages it’s quite a heavy book. It promises plenty of fully translated information about the series from the specifics of the Zelda timeline to the shape and density of Tingle’s chest hair, but we won’t really know until we take a look inside…

Another wave of updates have hit Miiverse today. Nintendo now has new guidelines for commenting, updated its terms of service, and plans to more directly inform users of happenings.

Here’s a summary:

– Receive updates directly from Nintendo
– These will be shown in a dedicated Miiverse community (can be accessed through User Menu)
– Nintendo will make announcements about changes to the service
– Tom (NOA) and Marty (NoE) will explain what to expect in Miiverse
– First update from Tom/Marty: talk about changes to the notification system
– Will receive messages when someone has decided to follow you
– After commenting on someone’s post, you will no longer get notifications from people who aren’t the original poster
– Can only post once every five minutes now
– Changes made to the Code of Conduct (“By Gamers, About Games” section)
– Nintendo doesn’t want off-topic posts any longer, don’t condone openly asking for friend requests or pushing for agreement on a certain topic


Nintendo is launching a new Wii U application in Japan today. The previously-announced Wii Street U can be downloaded for free through May 31.

A new Iwata Asks covering Wii Street U has been posted on Nintendo’s Japanese site here. Chances are you won’t be able to understand it, but here’s an amazing photo from the interview featuring Satoru Iwata:

You guys have no idea how happy it makes me to be able to post about this game on our site! I found out about it just earlier today, emailed the developer about doing an interview, and got this wonderful little tidbit of information that brings utter joy to my heart. When asked whether or not the game could come to Wii U in the future, March the Slag (the game’s sole developer) said the following:

“Without making any promises, I think it will be likely that the game ends up on the Wii U. I have been in touch with a publisher that is interested in putting it on that console, and I’d be more than interested in seeing that happen!” – A Hat in Time developer Jonas Kærlev

That’s good enough for me! If you’ve yet to learn anything about this game, you should absolutely look into it. It’s an exploration platformer inspired by the likes of Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Banjo Kazooie, and Donkey Kong 64— but with a beautiful, somewhat Wind Waker-esque art style!

Full interview with Jonas about the game and platforming as a whole coming as soon as I get it done, which might be tonight. Or tomorrow. We’ll see.

One thing that constantly amazes me is how much people say they dislike the Wii U without having played it, and then when I bring my console over and play it with them, they can’t stop talking about how much fun it is and how cool the second screen is. It really illustrates a stark contrast between U and the original Wii, which is that you can understand the Wii simply by seeing it: Everyone knows motion, after all. It’s intuitive, so when you watch someone turning a fake wheel to turn the wheel of a car in a game, or swinging a fake bat to swing a bat in a game, it just makes sense. With the Wii U that intuition isn’t as clear, and Ubisoft managing director Xavier Poix seems to think so too:

“The depth of what you can do with that console is really hard to get across unless you play with it. It’s different from the Wii, where seeing was believing. With the Wii U, people really need to experience it.” – Ubisoft managing director Xavier Poix

“The whole idea of the asymmetrical gameplay and using two screens to do two very different things is not simple to explain to people. ZombiU was designed to be a game for core players launching with a new Nintendo console. We should have communicated better in this respect to let people know what kind of experience to expect. It wasn’t obvious enough that there would be a new controller and new gameplay and a new skill set to develop.” – Ubisoft managing director Xavier Poix

Have any of you had a similar experience to this? Or do you think the Wii U just isn’t as inherently cool as the Wii was?

Via Gamespot

If ‘Mythbusters’ was combined video games and worse quality equipment, you would have “Eggbusters”.

Alas, last week’s episode of “Two People Playin’ Games” has brought about the end of that test series until further notice, but in its place is something I’ve wanted to try for a while now: Mythbusters, but for video game myths and glitches and easter eggs! I’m calling it “Eggbusters” despite the fact that I’m not really busting anything and we’re doing glitches– not easter eggs, but whatever. Perhaps a better name would have been “Glitchtryers”, but that sounds dumb.

Okay so does “Eggbusters”, but it’s better than “Glitchtryers”.

Check out both parts (each containing one glitch I read about online) and then try the ones that worked out for yourself! Pay not mind to the roughness around the edges, as that will be ironed out with subsequent “beta” entries.

Fire Emblem: Awakening should be available to those who pre-ordered the title from GameStop starting tomorrow. The retailer posted a message on its Facebook page making note of the date, but didn’t indicate if you’ll be able to head to a local store without a pre-registration.

In other Fire Emblem news, the special blue 3DS bundle will be available by Friday.

GameStop’s notice reads:

“Official Update Regarding Fire Emblem: We expect Fire Emblem Awakening to be available to our pre-order customers by tomorrow, February 6th. The Blue Fire Emblem 3DS system is expected to be in U.S. GameStop stores by this Friday, February 8th.”


Japanese retailer Rakuten listed Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 earlier today, leading to speculation that the Wii U title would be going multiplatform. This week’s Famitsu confirms the news.

In addition to all of the content made available on Wii U, the PS3/360 release will include 25 “Ninja Trials” along with new costumes.

It’s a bit peculiar seeing Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge on new platforms. While it’s technically a Team Ninja title, Nintendo originally published the game in both North America and Europe. Tecmo Koei should be handling distribution duties for the new versions in Japan.

Skylanders Swap Force is Activision’s next entry in the Skylanders franchise. The company has announced the new game, which will debut at Toy Fair 2013.

Players will be able to swap out the top and bottom halves of toys and create a unique character of their own. A total of 16 Swap Force characters are supported by the Portal Masters, allowing for 250 different combinations. By swapping figures, you’ll be able to change their powers and moves. All Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure and Skylanders Giants will work with Swap Force, but they’ll now be able to jump.

16 new Swap Force characters are planned for the game. Additionally, 32 core Skylanders characters (16 completely new Skylanders and 16 new versions of fan favorite characters from previous games) and eight new LightCore characters will be available.

Activision describes Swap Force’s story as follows:

“In Skylanders SWAP Force, Portal Masters embark on an all-new adventure in the mysterious Cloudbreak Islands, home to a mystical volcano that erupts every hundred years to replenish the magic in Skylands. During an epic battle, a brave group of Skylanders were caught in the volcano’s eruption, which blasted them apart and sent them to earth. But, the magic of the volcano gave these heroes a remarkable new power — the ability to swap halves – turning them into a special team known as the SWAP Force. Meanwhile, Kaos is back with a new evil plan. And now, Portal Masters everywhere must reassemble the SWAP Force — in their original form or in new combinations — and send them back to Cloudbreak to save Skylands!”

Skylanders Swap Force launches this fall for the Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, and 3DS. Vicarious Visions (not Toys for Bob) is working on most of the versions. Beenox is handling the Wii game while n-Space is once again developing the title.

Source: Activision PR

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