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DuckTales Remastered doesn’t feature just a select few voice actors from the original game. Capcom and WayForward managed to gather the full cast for the upcoming remake. That includes the voice actor for Scrooge, who is 94 years-old “but he still came into the studio and did his thing like a pro.”

According to Capcom’s Christian Svensson:

We have ALL the original voice actors from the show.

Scrooge’s voice actor is now 94 years old but he still came into the studio and did his thing like a pro. The voice work really adds a lot to the package.


LEGO City: Undercover lets players enter 7-digit codes from certain LEGO retail sets. Players unlock the feature later in the game – around the 6th or 7th chapter – where a computer/ATM outside of the police station allows for entry.

Apparently the functionality is causing issues from some players. Reader Antonino Valenza tells us that his game isn’t accepting codes that he’s been entering. Has anyone else been experiencing similar problems?

Korea has its first 3DS exclusive! MapleStory: The Girl’s Fate won’t be releasing in North America, Europe, or even Japan.

Here’s what we know about the game thus far:

– Original story based on the online game
– Play as a girl with a mysterious spirit inside her body
– The girl goes on an adventure in hopes of dispelling the spirit
– Meet characters along the way
– Some characters will hand out quests
– Action RPG
– Sprite graphics
– One attack button
– Press the button repeatedly for a combo
– Can customize the heroine by selecting different skills and picking one of many weapons
– Different worlds including a desert level with pyramids, sky world, and a sunken city
– Also a grassy area
– First piece of 3DS software exclusively for Korea
– Single-player only

Gamers in Korea can purchase MapleStory: The Girl’s Fate on April 25 for 44,000 won.


A pair of new DLC maps are now available in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Smash Brethren #1 and #2 can be purchased for $3 each. Additionally, a Smash Pack containing the two contents and the upcoming Smash Brethren #3 is bundled together for $6.50.

Ike and Roy face off in the latest DLC. By beating Smash Brethren 1, you’ll nab Elincia as a playable character. Beat Brethren 2 to earn Eirika as a playable character.


DuckTales Remastered’s announcement has been a long time coming. Believe it or not, the project has been in the planning phase for over two years.

Capcom’s Christian Svensson went into detail as to how the project came about on the company’s official forums. It was he who took the big initiative in approaching Disney and eventually pitched the project to Capcom’s Japanese division.

Disney suggested – and Capcom agreed – that WayForward come on board as DuckTales’ new developer. That’s because of the studio’s passion for the original.

Frankly, you guys asked for it, here on Capcom-Unity. That’s why.

About two and a half years ago I started working toward this with Disney because people here kept asking for it (and because I’m a fan too). About a year and a half ago I completed the general outlines of the deal. Disney was on board (and really excited). I then sold the whole concept of the project to Japan as we took it through greenlight.

Wayforward was actually Disney’s suggestion given their creative director’s LOVE for the original and after we did due diligence we totally agreed. Matt Bozon is a star and their experience with Shantae, Contra 4 and Mighty Switch Force made them the right choice. Jake K. (“Virt”) on the music was also a deal sealer for us. They’ve been wonderful to work with and we’ve kept this title very underwraps, even internally. For example, I don’t think anyone in Japan has even seen a build at any point so far (maybe until today :)).

Discussing the possibility of future Capcom-Disney remakes, Svensson said:

As for the future, I’d like to not get ahead of ourselves. I’m thrilled at the fan response this morning but for the moment, we’re going to stay focused on making this project a success. If it works, we can think about other opportunities later but let’s not put the cart before the horse. 🙂


SEGA hasn’t been willing to comment on the status of Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii U. Neither has Demiurge Studios, the team behind the game on Nintendo’s console.

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford did offer one terse statement to GameSpot. Well, kind of. I’m not even sure you could call it that. Pitchford himself isn’t quite sure if Colonial Marines will be releasing on Wii U.

He said:

“We’ll see. That’s not our call. I think [developer Demiurge Studios] did amazing work. I think it’s really cool, but Sega’s got to figure that out. We’re doing the best we can.”


Diablo III is making its debut on consoles through the PlayStation 3 and PS4. That being said, Blizzard’s game may not necessarily be exclusive to Sony systems.

In an interview with the Penny Arcade Report, senior producer Julia Humphreys said the following about exclusivity:

“We don’t have any announcements to make at this time … But we’re not necessarily a Sony exclusive.”

Might a Wii U version be possible?

Source, Via

UK retailers have been playing to lower-the-Wii U-price-so-it-will-sell game for over a month now, and since dropping the price of the system by £50 didn’t seem to help, HMV is now slashing it by a total of £140, making the retail price £199.

Oh, and that’s for the Deluxe System. And it comes with ZombiU. So if you’re in the land of HMV and GAME, you better head over to HMV because that is a ridiculously low price for a ridiculously decent piece of hardware.


A whole bunch of DuckTales Remastered details have emerged from PAX East. Polygon chatted with producer Rey Jimenez for the lowdown on the game. We’ve rounded up information below.

– New features to make it more forgiving than the original
– Won’t have to master the art of jumping, ducking and tapping a button to “pogo”
– Just jump and press a button instead
– Will have maps with built-in guidance
– One very difficult level that had to be played three times is now reworked so that it now only needs to be completed once
– Practically all features that help players out can be removed through the options menu or difficulty setting
– Hand-holding features included in the first place since “Gamers are just different today and because the team “had to make it significantly easier and more accessible”
– Visual overhaul
– Blend of hand-drawn 2D art with 3D models
– One of the layout artists who worked on the original afternoon cartoon helped with the game
– Extended script
– New introduction and end of level scenes
– Scrooge McDuck, Magica De Spell and Launchpad McQuack are back for their voice roles
– Team also revisited some of the key art elements of the game to try and incorporate more of the art from the original TV show
– Ex: generic bat from one area has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show
– New content such as galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show’s theme song, and the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault
– The amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered in the game
– Brand new level (the last in the game)
– Removal of needing to visit the Transylvania level
– Will only have to go through the level just once and then proceed to the new level
– No longer can skip through the entire African Mines level through a shortcut
– Shortcut remains, but leads to some items

DuckTales Remastered could be just the start of Capcom-Disney remakes. If the game is well-received, we may eventually see the likes of Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and Aladdin.

Jimenez believes that Chip n’ Dale would be next in line for a remake, assuming DuckTales Remastered performs as it should.

“In a purely hypothetical world, I think Chip n’ Dale would be the next logical one. It makes sense because it’s the next in the hierarchy. “


Some of the first details regarding Renegade Kid’s brand new first-person shooter for the 3DS eShop, Cult County, are included in this week’s Nintendo Force.

Cult County will be receiving episodic releases. The first is due sometime this year, which, along with other downloads from the eShop, will provide around four hours of gameplay.

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham told Nintendo Force that the series of titles will incorporate “better pacing in terms of when there is tension and when there is action.” Players will explore “detailed environments that would not have been possible on the DS”, and Watsham also reconfirmed Circle Pad Pro as well as stylus-focused controls.

Religion will play an important but fictional role in Cult County. However, Watsham clarified: “It is not our intention to make a statement about any of the existing religions or impose our beliefs on anyone.”

Watsham wrapped up his talk with the magazine by speaking about the risk in making Cult County:

“To self-fund the development of Cult County is a very difficult and risky endeavor for us. Mutant Mudds was a lot less risky in terms of development cost and the needed return on investment to break even or make a profit. The release of Cult County will be the ultimate test for us of whether we can develop an ambitious title for the Nintendo eShop market and be financially successful. The result of this game will help guide our future development efforts.”

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