Rumor: Retro Studios to be at E3
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 6 Comments
Retro Studios just opened a twitter account a few weeks ago, and this was the second message posted:
“We think you guys will be pleasantly surprised in just a few hours :)”
Now, Nintendo’s E3 press conference is, technically, a few hours away (more like 26 hours as of this post, but who’s counting)? It seems a bit odd for the company to begin posting from a twitter account with Nintendo’s event on the horizon. Will Retro Studios’ new project finally be unveiled? We’re also going to consider this a rumor until it can be confirmed that it is not a fake twitter account.
Thanks to Jake for the news tip!
Rumor: New Mario game coming, Wii Fit Plus to have online
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Rumors | 11 Comments
Small update: A few more details from the report below
– Compare weight/health with others in Wii Fit Plus
– Mario game will help bolster Wii sales
An article published by Japanese newspaper Nikkei is suggesting that a new Mario game is on the way. As far as the system it would be released for, however, no details were provided. The game is said to be releasing this year. Additionally, the article mentions that Wii Fit Plus will have some sort of online support in addition to improved accuracy. More details on the two titles may very well be released from Nintendo’s upcoming E3 conference.
Rumor: FFCC: The Crystal Bearers playable at E3
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 4 Comments
Square Enix has been, for the most part, quiet about Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Until recently (when a few short videos were made available), the status of the game was in question. However, rumor has it that the game will be at E3. Better yet, Crystal Bearers is said to be playable at the event. The director of the title will be taking interviews, so it’s possible that more information will be shared next week.
Rumor: No More Heroes 2 publisher announcement at E3
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
An E3 teaser video from Ubisoft seems to suggest that the company may be making a publisher announcement regarding No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle. In the video, there is a post-it note sticking to a woman’s shoe with a list of games – One of which is “NMH2.” Just by quickly thinking about it, one would be able to conclude that it stands for “No More Heroes 2.” It’s certainly more than possible that there will be an announcement from Ubisoft, considering the company published the first title. Their conference is set to be held on Monday, so we’ll know once the event is over.
Rumor: Retro Studios was working on Zelda for Wii
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 3 Comments
If there’s one thing Zelda fans know at this point, it is that a game in the series is in development for the Wii. However, according to speculation from IGN, Retro Studios was working on an entirely new Zelda title at one point. More than a year ago, the company apparently was doing the next Zelda or something big with it. Though, for one reason or another, they stopped development on the title. The rumor was circulating the internet for a bit, but IGN was confident in their sources to the point where it was almost posted on the site. In the latest Nintendo Voice Chat podcast, the IGN Nintendo Team did state that Retro Studios is, again, no longer busy with the rumored game.
Rumor: Miyamoto has something big in store – a “new concoction”
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 5 Comments
Nintendo has rested on its laurels in the past, with new iterations from their core franchises ranging from Mario to Pikmin. But apparently, the company a different title of sorts in development…With Shigeru Miyamoto at the helm. IGN’s Matt Casamassina has brought yet another teaser/rumor to the table – Perhaps relating to a project that Nintendo will unveil at E3.
“I think Nintendo’s master designer has some new concoction brewing at the chocolate factory. Not just franchise sequels, but something completely out there…Hopefully it doesn’t turn us purple.”
Consider this a rumor for now, but it looks as though something (presumably) interesting could be on the way and Miyamoto may be “up to something” as Casamassina has stated.
Rumor: Mario and Luigi RPG 3 date in Europe
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Rumors | 0 comments
In due time, Mario and Luigi RPG 3 will almost certainly launch in all territories. Until Nintendo shares release date information, however, gamers are left to speculate as to when the game will become available. Two different sources are claiming that the game has been given a tentative scheduled ship date in Europe for July. Website Wii-DS seems to confirm this information based on a promotional booklet, but it’d be best to wait until E3 before believing this rumor.
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom confirmed for North America
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 12 Comments
Update: Looks like this is the real deal! See full image above (Thanks Jake!)
A rumor is abound that in an issue of Nintendo Power, there is a confirmation that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is heading to North America. Now, I have the issue right in front of me, and nowhere in the game index is there even a mention of the title. It’s possible that a portion of the upcoming edition of the magazine was leaked, but for now, be wary of the speculation. Capcom’s Christian Svensson did say, however, that some news regarding the title may be released in the coming weeks.
Is this one of Factor 5’s Wii games?
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
Factor 5 announced today that San Rafael-based studio has been closed. Factor 5 has been rumored for many months now to have been working on Kid Icarus for the Wii and/or a Pilotwings title. A rumor has popped up regarding a “Flight Project” that the company was working on. Players would be allowed to fly all over the world with a number of airplanes and spacecrafts. It’s possible that the title was built around the foundation of the Wii Lair Engine. For now, it’s up in the air if this project is truly something that Factor 5 was/is working on. But it’ll be interesting to see how the next few months unfold, especially with E3 right around the corner.
Rumor: Next issue of EDGE to have Pikmin news
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Rumors | 1 Comment
The latest edition of EDGE may be teasing some Pikmin news. The “next month” page of the latest issue apparently features a zoomed in picture of an empty patch of grass. In the top right-hand corner, however, there is a small blue lilac blob which is said to resemble a Pikmin. Some have gone as far as to claim that the next issue will reveal Pikmin 3. Though, we’ll have to wait and see if this is truly Pikmin related or if it’s an entirely different game.