Rumor: Wii U controller leaker fired, could land in court
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
A QA tester over at TT Games made a big mistake the other day. Unfortunately, this person leaked an image of the Wii U’s controller, showing differences in the model since it was last shown at E3 2011.
Studios who are working with the Wii U are required to sign NDAs in order to prevent potential leaks. Obviously that doesn’t automatically prevent items from making it out to the public though, as we saw with the Wii U controller image.
However, the broken NDA does come with serious consequences. Erlend Wollan, a system development consultant on various platforms/technologies, claims that the leaker was already fired and could end up in court.
Wollan wrote on Twitter:
“Dev at Traveller’s Tales who leaked updated WiiU controller (now with sticks!) already fired and may be taken to court. Respect NDA’s folks.”
I don’t doubt that the TT Games employee was fired. Even though the leak didn’t appear to be intentional – it was nothing more than a casual update on Twitter – there’s no way the company (or Nintendo) would let this egregious error slide by.
Thanks to Lars H for the tip.
Rumor: Castlevania: Mirror of Faith in the works for 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments
Update: NeoGAF member “Santiako” is adding more details to the rumor. Mirror of Faith features 2D gameplay similar to what was produced on the DS. However, Mercury Steam is making the game rather than Konami. Konami will still be publishing.
It seems that Konami will be announcing Castlevania: Mirror of Faith, a new 3DS title, at this year’s E3. The news apparently comes from the company’s appointment schedule for the event.
Gameplay information is not yet available. However, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow producer David Cox and director/writer Enric Álvarez are supposedly working on Mirror of Faith.
Take this with a grain of salt for now. It would certainly make sense to bring a new Castlevania to the 3DS though.
Nicalis receiving publishing offers for La-Mulana WiiWare?
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
Hopefully I’m interpreting this correctly. It sounds like publishers have showed interest in bringing La-Mulana to WiiWare following Nicalis’ decision to move on from the title.
The following was written on the official La-Mulana blog today:
“…However, we also hope WiiWare version is releasd overseas. Our intention may have gotten across. Some publishers have offered just after the interview was posted on the websites.”
We need more information, Nigoro!
Updated Wii U controller shows analog sticks and more
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
Update: Original Twitter account has been shut down. Hmmm…

The image above comes from a QA tester over at TT Games, who posted the image above to his Twitter account.
While not an extreme makeover, it does show quite a few new things. Most significant is the addition of analog sticks that have been substituted for circle pads – a much welcomed change. The layout of some buttons have been shifted around as well.
What do you think? Do you prefer the (slightly) new design?
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
Rumor: Wii U survey asks about $300 price tag, concept images included
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
The images above were apparently taken from a recent Wii U GlobalTestMarket survey. Most of the “concept” shots have already been demonstrated in video form, but they’re interesting nonetheless.
Arguably the most important survey capture is the final shot in the gallery, which asks the user if he/she would purchase a Wii U for $300. Maybe it’s a sign of things to come for the console’s final price, assuming the survey is the real deal.
Rumor: Xenoblade not included in April’s NPD report due to retailer exclusivity
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
Perhaps Xenoblade Chronicles didn’t perform terribly in the U.S. after all. We might not actually find out how the game sold last month, as Eurogamer says that it wasn’t included in April’s NPD report. This is apparently because it’s a retailer exclusive.
I personally have no way of verifying that information, but it would make things much more interesting if true.
No Unreal Engine 4 on Wii U?
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
Unreal Engine 3 is an obvious lock on Wii U. But Epic Games’ future technology, Unreal Engine 4, is less likely to be supported on the console.
Speaking about the engine, Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney told Gamasutra that the company is “aiming very high, and the intended platforms this is aimed at haven’t even been announced.”
Well, we know that the Wii U was revealed a year ago. Sweeney hasn’t ruled out the Unreal Engine 4 on the system specifically, but his statement makes it seem less likely.
Ubisoft Reflections making a Wii U game?
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
The developer behind the Driver IP is apparently working on a project for Wii U. Associate producer Luis Cascante listed an unannounced title for Nintendo’s next console on his LinkedIn profile. It seems as though it could be released this year.
Cascante didn’t specifically indicate that his new game is being made by Ubisoft Reflections, but it is definitely being made by one of Ubisoft’s subsidiaries. It looks like we can count on another Wii U announcement from the company at E3…
Rumor: Nintendo Download (5/10, Europe)
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Rumors, Wii | 0 comments
Sonic Labyrinth (Game Gear)
Curling Super Championship
Wii VC:
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (VCA)
Monster World IV (MD)
I don’t believe Nintendo has made these downloads official. The list above might come from the UK Nintendo Channel, but we’ll mark this as a rumor until we receive a confirmation.
Rumor: Ubisoft making Avengers-based video game
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 0 comments
Ubisoft appears to be working on a project based on The Avengers.
Marvel Characters, Inc. registered the domain name “” through brand protection company MarkMonitor. The site is now sitting on Ubisoft’s nameservers, and
Last year, THQ Brisbane’s cancelled Avengers title leaked out. It looked incredibly promising, but it was cancelled once the studio shut its doors. The game would have featured first-person gameplay, co-op, and a heavy roster filled with characters such as Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor.