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La-Mulana will actually be released in Japan first. It’s set for a June 21 release for 1,200 points. Meanwhile, Nicalis has said that release date news for other territories will be shared after E3.

Senran Kagura will be released in Japan on September 22

This game has been getting a lot of flack due to its graphics, though I don’t think it’s fair to assess the visuals just yet. The title still has many months of development to go, and we haven’t even seen a trailer yet. And don’t forget that n-Space has proven themselves on the DS. What do you folks think about Heroes of Ruin’s graphics?

I managed to take a few screencaps of Famitsu’s Zelda: Ocarina of Time live-stream event earlier today. As I said earlier though, I started watching right in the middle of the stream. I believe I only missed some footage of Hyrule Field, but other than that, Aonuma only showed the Water Temple and the very beginning of the Forest Temple (see above).

Since Rayman Origins is practically confirmed for Wii, I think it would be appropriate to post these screenshots. It looks quite nice, don’t you think?

Nintendo’s first, original eShop release seems to be a new title called “Pokedex 3D.” I’m not quite sure where this information originated from since Nintendo has yet to make an official announcement. Having said that, this does appear to be the real deal. We’ve posted the first screenshots and details for you below.

– Contains all new Pokemon from Black/White
– Look up information about the Pokemon including their moves all for free
– Over 150 Pokemon
– SpotPass support
– Uses Augmented Reality
– Begin with 16 Pokemon
– Unlock more by scanning QR Codes, SpotPass, or by trading data with friends (most likely through StreetPass)
– SpotPass limit is three random Pokemon per day
– View the Pokemon in 3D
– Rotate them in full 360 degrees
– Pokedex has filters and bookmarking functionality
– Augmented Reality: Display Pokemon in pictures taken through the 3DS camera


Why the right side of the 3DS is cut off in these images is beyond me, but at least we get to see both screens at once!


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