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Stupid WordPress

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments

Granted you’ve been visiting the website over the past hour or so, you’ve probably encountered…Well…A mess of things. I was attempting to upgrade WordPress and encountered a few problems which completely fudged up the theme’s website. I’m almost certain that I’ve corrected any issues, but don’t hesitate to send an email if you find something that you don’t think is right.

Thanks, and apologies for the screw up!

Just wanted to give you all the quick heads up that the site will experience some downtime shortly…Hopefully not for long. The only thing that concerns me is that our host may screw something up because they have in the past. In fact, the last time the site went down, a large amount of the time was wasted thanks to our host’s errors!

Anyway, the maintenance isn’t much. If we don’t come back immediately though, don’t panic!

Bumping this to the top like last time!

That was fun, wasn’t it? Erm, of course not…Not at all!

Now, this is going to be a bit difficult to explain. The website had gone down a couple of days ago, as I described in another post, due to problems resulting from the a RAM upgrade and the installation of a new motherboard. Everything was back up to snuff on Friday thanks to one of our amazing tech guys.

Now, unfortunately I woke up on Saturday to discover that the site was pretty slow, which is extremely abnormal since I know for a fact that our host is quick. So the same tech guys discovered that a hard drive was faulty and was nearing complete failure. When he encountered this, he immediately shut off the server, etc, and wanted to put files on a new HDD. But things can’t be that easy, can they?

Nope. So that’s why it took more than two days to fix everything. And honestly, I can’t blame our tech guy…He was brilliant! And he never was annoyed when I bothered him every five minutes since I am that concerned about the website. In the future, we may switch hosts, but for now, I’m happy to see that things are back. I’m just praying that we won’t find another problem to be hassled with. I don’t really know what else I can say other than I’m extremely sorry. I’ve said this before, but it truly is rare that Nintendo Everything experiences downtime, and this was just a situation that one thing led to another and coincidences piled on top of each other. I really don’t want anything like this to happen again. I can’t tell you guys how bothered I get when I see that the site is down even for thirty minutes. So imagine how bothered I have been thanks to NE being down for more than two days!

Anyway, I’ll stop blabbing now. Keep in mind that I have NO intentions of shutting down Nintendo Everything in the near future, so if you ever see that the site is down, please know that it will be back eventually…I promise! Anyway, thanks for sticking with us through these technical downtimes.

Please note: The backlog of news will be posted tomorrow (1/26) and there WILL be short/minor downtime throughout the night (EST). Again, thanks for sticking with us and this should all be sorted soon!

Going to bump this page to the front for a bit

Well wasn’t that fun? Access to Nintendo Everything has been cut off for almost two days. The issue stemmed from a new motherboard/ installation of new ram. Without getting into all of the mumbo jumbo, let’s just say that Nintendo Everything went “kaboom.”

Though, one of our technical guys has been working his tail off to get us back online. So all the gratitude goes towards him!

I also wanted to mention that such a long period of downtime is a rare occurrence. We might go down for a short while in a few hours, but I’m not expecting anything catastrophic if all goes well. I apologize that the site was down for however long it was, but I’m glad to be back!

I obviously missed out on posting a ton of Nintendo news. I haven’t exactly decided what I’m going to post up yet, but bear with me. Starting today, I’ll just try to add anything I can to the site.

Now without further ado, I’ll get back to updating the site.

The site has been down a few minutes here and there today, as some of you probably already know. Basically, Nintendo Everything is just going through some behind-the-scenes maintenance. Also, there probably will not be more site downtime today. So, nothing to worry about!

Slight logo change

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 3 Comments

If there was one aspect about Nintendo Everything that I didn’t really like, it would have to be the text on the header image that you see on every page. It didn’t stand out too well, it was bland, and frankly, it was lame! So I was very pleased when a NE reader contacted me not too long ago and offered to change the logo a bit.

I did want to keep the main logo up since it does embody the saying “Nintendo Everything,” but I knew that it needed to be touched up. The image you see now was done by Julian and I’m impressed with the results. The text stands out and looks much more Nintendoish than it did before.

I’d really like to thank Julian for taking the time and effort to create the modified image. Moreover, I hope all of you guys like it!

Unfortunately, I’ve come across a problem that has been happening for about a week or two with our contact form. Without boring you all with technical talk, basically, I was not receiving more than half of the emails that were submitted through the contact form. So, if you submitted something and were anticipating a reply, know that I don’t hate you…It’s just that I never received your email!

The problem has been fixed now and I don’t believe that the issue will arise in the future. But again, if you sent in an email and were expecting a reply, please know that you can now resend the message!

Happy Holidays!

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 1 Comment

Hey guys – Just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a Happy Holiday! Happy birthday if you celebrate it in the next few days, too! This year has been absolutely great as far as the site goes and I appreciate everyone who reads up on the latest Nintendo happenings each day.

In terms of the schedule over the next couple of days, I plan on keeping things how they normally are. The bulk of (any) news will be posted at the usual times. Same goes for weekends. So nope – No break for me.

Once again, Happy Holidays everyone!

We’re back!

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments

If you’ve been trying to access the site over the past few hours, I’m sure you’ve noticed that it’s been impossible to connect to Nintendo Everything. Honestly, I’m not sure why the site went down, but it looked as though the issue affected the entire server. I haven’t been in contact with two of the guys who run the technical side of Nintendo Everything yet, but I don’t think the site will go down again anytime soon. Actually, it’s a pretty rare occurrence that the site over goes down, but I’m just happy the site’s back up.

Sorry for the downtime, but thanks for sticking with us!

I don’t discuss this subject too often, but I find that input from you guys is very significant for the future of Nintendo Everything. This site lives only because of the people who visit, which is pretty amazing when you think about it. I am not entirely sure how many of you are aware of our contact form, but I wanted to bring it up today.

The contact form can be used for news tips. Anything that is newsworthy and has a believable source behind it will most likely be added to the website…With your name on the front page! (Well, that might not be entirely exciting, but still!)

Most importantly, if you have any comments, questions, concerns, or anything else, keep in mind that the contact form is always available so that you can reach us. It doesn’t matter to me if you have anything negative to say as long as you say it! I always attempt to read every email that is sent and I’ll continue to do so and I will reply to all emails that require a response. Again, Nintendo Everything can only thrive off of its visitors and input, so any feedback you may have is extremely important.

Contact form here

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