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Posted below is another batch of Castlevania: Lords of Shadows – Mirror of Fate details coming from the latest issue of Nintendo Power. We’ve posted lots of information from the magazine’s article over the past few weeks, but there is a bunch of content that hadn’t been summarized previously.

The latest details have been posted after the break.

Each copy of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy comes with a cover with reversible art. By simply flipping over the insert, you’ll be able to use the image above as the main box photo. The default art can be viewed here.


Namco Bandai is developing a new 3DS title based on the Japanese animated television series, “Smile PreCure!”.

The game features eight fairy tales, using material from classics such as Aladdin, Cinderella, Peter Pan, and Little Red Riding Hood. Players must mend each tale to its proper ending by completing various mini-games. Completing these offers will unlock a variety of costumes. There’s also a mode included that will will read each story aloud.

Smile Precure! Let’s Go! Fairy Tale World will be available in Japan on August 2 for 5,040 yen.

The latest GamesMaster review scores are as follows:

Project Zero 2: Wii Edition – 89%
Diablo III – 86%
Heroes of Ruin – 77%
The Ratchet & Clank Trilogy – 78%
Dr Who: The Eternity Clock – 55%
Inversion – 74%
Resistance: Burning Skies – 80%
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II – 77%
Gravity Rush – 93%
Batman Arkham City – Harley Quinn’s Revenge – 80%
Deep Black Episode 1 – 61%
Blood Forge – 51%
Dragon’s Lair – 62%
Joy Ride Turbo – 77%
Starhawk – 84%
Datura – 43%
Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty – 59%
Velocity – 79%
The House of the Dead 4 – 83%
Pixeljunk 4am – 88%
Block Factory – 40%
Bird Mania 3D – 25%
Inchworm Animation – 80%
VVVVVV – 90%
Summer Challenge Athletics Tournament – 62%
Game of Thrones – 62%
Tera – 73%
Hitman Sniper Challenge – 80%

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Super Mario Land is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sales on the North American eShop. Despite not mentioning this on the latest Nintendo Direct (unless I somehow missed the news), it seems as though additional deals will be hitting the store.

The official US Nintendo site mentions that a deal will be made available “each week”. Come Thursday/Friday, a new title should go on sale.

Sales are also taking place in Europe and Japan, but they’re being handled very differently. Last week, five games were made available at a discount. An additional batch will go on sale later this week.

There are a ton of comparisons in the images above. They relate to launch colors, system size, screen size, hardware details, and more. Check them out for yourself in the gallery above.


The image above comes from a recent issue of the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told the publication that the Wii U will be priced “reasonably”. Iwata additionally stated that the company will do everything its power to avoid the same mistakes made with the 3DS.

Speaking of the portable, Iwata says that Nintendo is improving costs of the system. The 3DS has become profitable once again, and the company overall should become profitable by March 2013, the end of the fiscal year.

Source 1, Source 2

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