Famitsu review scores – Steel Diver, Splinter Cell 3D
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 0 comments
Yakuza of the End (PS3) – 10/9/9/9
Motorstorm Apocalypse (PS3) – 8/8/8/8
Powerful Golf (DS) – 8/8/8/8
Steel Diver (3DS) – 7/7/8/8
Splinter Cell 3D (3DS) – 7/7/8/8
Game Informer review scores
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Bulletstorm – 9.25 (Game of the Month)
Dragon Age II – 8.25
Knights Contract – 7
Fight Night Champion – 9
de Blob 2 – 8
Yoostar 2 – 6
MLB 11: The Show – 9.25
Killzone 3 – 9
Total War: Shogun 2 – 9.5 (Game of the Month PC)
Magicka – 7.5
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition – 9
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy – 7
Monster Tale – 8
Tales from Space: About a Blob – 8.75
Dungeons – 7
Beyond Good & Evil HD – 9.25
Swarm – 7.25
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 – 7.25
Yar’s Revenge – 7.5
New Pokémon Video Games Shatter U.S. Sales Records
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Two new Pokémon™ video games went on sale on March 6 and promptly shattered all previous U.S. Pokémon sales records. The Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems became the fastest-selling Pokémon video games of all time, selling more than 1.08 million units after just one day of availability. That surpasses the previous one-day sales record of more than 780,000 set by the Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version games in April 2007.
“Longtime Pokémon fans are attracted to the new Pokémon, new battle systems and a new region to explore, while newcomers enjoy the ability to jump in and have fun right away,” said Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America’s senior director of Corporate Communications. “These sales numbers illustrate the continued strength of the Nintendo DS family of systems. Already established as the nation’s best-selling video game platform of all time, the installed base of more than 47 million makes it the ideal hand-held for developers to reach a huge gaming-focused target audience.”
Best-selling games in Japan for February
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 0 comments
1. [PS3] Samurai Warriors 3Z – 290,236 / NEW
2. [PSP] Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3 – 253,549 / NEW
3. [PSP] SD Gundam G Generation World – 227,790 / NEW
4. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity – 219,477 / NEW
5. [DS] Ace Attorney Investigations 2 – 188,856 / NEW
6. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd – 185,014 / NEW
7. [PS3] Catherine – 150,402 / NEW
8. [3DS] Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle – 117,589 / NEW
9. [PS3] Marvel vs. Capcom 3 – 81,440 / NEW
10. [PS3] Disgaea 4 – 77,449 / NEW
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean trailer
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Consumers to Get an Early Look at Nintendo 3DS at PAX East
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Visitors to this year’s PAX East event will get more than just a glimpse into Nintendo’s all-star lineup of console and hand-held video games. Running March 11-13 in Boston, the festival also marks an opportunity for U.S. consumers to experience the new Nintendo 3DS™ portable system in advance of its March 27 launch. Featuring 3D visuals that don’t require special glasses, built-in applications and software, and distinctive wireless features like StreetPass™ and SpotPass™, Nintendo 3DS offers veteran and first-time gamers a remarkable new way to play.
In addition to the fun of included Nintendo 3DS software such as Mii Maker™ and AR Games™, PAX East attendees can get a firsthand look at upcoming first- and third-party games for the system. Interactive demo stations will give players a chance to try Nintendo’s Steel Diver™, Kid Icarus™: Uprising, Pilotwings Resort™, nintendogs™ + cats and The Legend of Zelda™: Ocarina of Time™ 3D. They can also check out LucasArts’ LEGO® Star Wars® III: The Clone Wars™, TECMO KOEI’s DEAD OR ALIVE® Dimensions, and CAPCOM’s Super Street Fighter® IV 3D Edition and Resident Evil®: The Mercenaries 3D.
Nintendo’s PAX East booth (#412) will also give fans a chance to experience the latest installments in two of the world’s favorite game franchises. The new Pokémon™ Black Version and Pokémon White Version games for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems offer new battle modes, a new region to explore and more than 150 new Pokémon to catch, battle and trade. Meanwhile, Mario™ Sports Mix for the Wii™ system injects four different sports – volleyball, basketball, dodgeball and hockey – with a dose of Mushroom Kingdom fun, adding wild power-ups and letting players put their customized Mii characters at the center of the action.
Remember that Wii and Nintendo 3DS feature parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about Nintendo, visit http://www.nintendo.com.
Source: Nintendo PR
Nintendo Week (3/7)
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Full Reggie interview – declining Wii sales, keeping Wii distinct, Zelda anniversary tease
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Reggie on the lack of Wii games in 2011 so far, content before E3
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Yesterday we posted some news coming from Nintendo of America’s COO, who said that more Wii games are on the way. Thanks to an interview posted over on IGN, we’ve finally received Reggie Fils-Aime’s full response regarding the lack of new titles for the console this year. Basically, Reggie stated that Nintendo has held off on some Wii releases so that the 3DS as well as Pokemon Black/White could have some time in the spotlight. But apparently there will be some new content revealed before E3.
“We have had to effectively prepare for the launch of 3DS as well as effectively prepare for the launch of Pokemon Black and Pokemon White. Candidly, we’ve pushed out some Wii launches so that we can focus on our handheld business. We’re already juggling two big balls. To add a third would be a little bit challenging – or a fourth or a fifth. And so there’s a reason why your viewers haven’t gotten any information about Wii, at least from a first-party perspective. We’re waiting to space things out and let Pokemon Black and White and let Nintendo 3DS live and breath out there. But there’s content coming. And we’ll be sharing more certainly in the weeks ahead. We’ll be bringing some content out before E3, and then certainly at E3 we’ll be sharing more news.”
As we’ve stated previously, there are quite a number of Wii titles Nintendo could bring for North American gamers. Xenoblade and The Last Story are two high-quality RPGs released by the company in Japan, but haven’t been officially announced for the US. Moreover, the new Kirby Wii project is very likely to receive localization this year. Then, of course, there are question marks about a few other titles, such as the recently announced Pandora’s Tower, which is also Japan-only at the moment.