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01./00. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (Capcom) – 880,000 / NEW
02./01. [NDS] Pokémon Ranger: Batonnage (Pokémon) – 106,000 / 348,000
03./00. [NDS] Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (Bandai-Namco) – 49,000 / NEW
04./05. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) – 42,000 / 1,794,000

05./00. [PSP] Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lost Colors (Bandai-Namco) – 34,000 / NEW
06./07. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo) – 34,000 / 1,524,000
07./00. [PS2] Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lost Colors (Bandai-Namco) – 30,000 / NEW
08./02. [WII] Deca Sporta (Hudson) – 29,000 / 94,000
09./04. [NDS] SimCity DS 2: From the Past to the Future (EA) – 25,000 / 74,000
10./08. [NDS] Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo Yobu Cinema Land (Banpresto) – 19,000 / 54,000


King Story (Wii)

– flat world map
– Release date estimate – Summer 2008

Trauma Center 2 (DS)

– Sequel to TC1 DS
– Release date 7th Aug (Japan)

Valkyrie Profile (DS)

– 3 pages
– Interview with Katou, the coproducer of VP Lenneth and SO1 PSP
– Gameplay systems revealed: Multi-story System, Magic Crystal System, Mutial Assist System
– More story pics, all isometric

AWAY Shuffle Dungeon (DS)

– In the coming months Famitsu will show how the game has changed since it was first revealed
– 95%

Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo): 10 / 9 / 9 / 9 – (37/40)

Source 1, Source 2

Mario Kart Wii (Wii) – 9.0
Battle of the Bands (Wii) – 7.0
The World Ends With You (DS) – 9.0
Teenage Zombies (DS) – 7.0
Puchi Puchi Virus (DS) – 7.0
Okami (Wii) – 7.5
N+ (DS) – 7.0
Summer Sports: Paradise Island (Wii) – 3.5
Minicopter: Adventure Flight (Wii) – 6.5
Rondo of Swords (DS) – 6.5
Castle of Shikigami III (Wii) – 7.0
MLB 2K8 Fantasy All-Stars (DS) – 6.5

I’m extremely surprised about Okami, to be honest. Previews of the game have sounded promising, and I know most people who played it on the PS2 were impressed.

Weekly savings

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Best Buy

Alvin and the Chipmunks (DS) – $19.99

Circuit City

Alvin and the Chipmunks (DS) – $19.99
Kabookii (Wii) – $19.99
Paws & Claws: Pet Resort (DS) – $19.99
Wii Zapper – $19.99

First day sales in Japan

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

NDS Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 – 30,000 (50% sell through)
NDS Lux-Pain – 8,000 (20% sell through)
NDS Tetsudou Seminar: JR-Hen – 3,000
WII Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga – didn’t make it (<1000?)
WII Tomb Raider: Anniversary – didn’t make it (<1000?)


AGOURA HILLS, Calif. – March 28, 2008 – THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) and JAKKS Pacific, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAKK) today announced that WWE® SmackDown® vs. Raw® 2009 is in development for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system, Wii™ videogame console, Nintendo DS™ and mobile devices. Joining the immensely successful World Wrestling Entertainment® roster of WWE SmackDown/SmackDown vs. Raw licensed videogames, which have shipped more than 37 million units worldwide since 1999, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 is expected to begin shipping to retail outlets worldwide this fall.

“The ambitious cross-platform launch of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 last year yielded tremendous growth for the franchise, as we delivered multiple gameplay experiences across seven platforms and greatly expanded our audience of WWE videogame fans,” said Bob Aniello, senior vice president, worldwide marketing, THQ. “With dynamic new features and the extension of our gameplay experience through downloadable content, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 will bring more console, handheld and wireless gamers together to enjoy the virtual world of WWE.”

“We are tremendously excited about the next groundbreaking release in the billion dollar WWE SmackDown vs. Raw videogame franchise,” said Nelo Lucich, vice president of interactive, JAKKS Pacific. “Downloadable content, innovative experiences with tag teams and a new Create-A-Finisher feature, along with significant annual improvements across all platforms, combine to bring the sports entertainment experience to new heights and gratify our long-time fans, casual gamers and franchise newcomers alike.”

DS Lite 65,055
Wii 62,404

PSP 59,833
PS3 12,874
PS2 9,990
Xbox 360 1,407



– Tecmo Bowl coming to both the Wii and DS.
– Disney asked Warren Spector to create a Mickey Mouse Mario-killer.
– Traveler’s Tales to make games (plural) based on live-action Akira movie.

Review Scores – Wii
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: A, A-, A- [Game of the Month]
Okami: A, B+, A
Opoona: C, C+, C+

Review Scores – Nintendo DS
Lost in Blue 3: B-, C, D+
The World Ends With You: A-, B, A-
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer: B+, A, B

Coming in the June 2008 Issue
– Feature on the “sweetest” games you haven’t heard of yet, including Capcom’s Dark Void.

Sonic Chronicles
– Random battles, turn-based
– Allocatable skill points
– Branching dialog paths
– Dialog close to Mass Effect system
– Core story has a single outcome


Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) announced today that Madden NFL 09 will be available in retail stores in North America on August 12, including a special collector’s edition in celebration of the 20th anniversary of one of the best-selling video game franchises of all time. The Madden NFL 09 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition will be the ultimate interactive NFL experience – featuring full versions of both Madden NFL 09 and the all-new NFL Head Coach 09, exclusive classic Madden NFL gameplay, and an extensive library of exclusive bonus video content.

“The Madden NFL franchise has a rich history, and we’re proud to be celebrating it with this definitive video game package,” says Peter Moore, president of EA

SPORTS. “Featuring two deep and innovative new standalone games, as well as a host of exclusive bonus content, the Madden NFL 09 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition is the ultimate interactive offering for both long-time Madden NFL fans and anyone who enjoys football on Sundays. I can’t think of a better way to get your NFL fix than to enjoy everything that’s unique about both Madden NFL 09 and NFL Head Coach 09, and then connecting and sharing content from both.”

Whether you prefer to make your moves on the field, from the sidelines or in the front office, the Madden NFL 09 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition has something for every football fan. Madden NFL 09 will feature the most immersive gameplay, the richest online offerings and the most comprehensive feature depth in the history of the franchise, while NFL Head Coach 09 has been reinvented to provide a unique new NFL experience by allowing fans to be in total control of their favorite franchises. The two games offer unique experiences and then can even interact with one another with gamers being able to import their user-designed plays from NFL Head Coach 09 and put them into Madden NFL 09 to create customized playbooks for complete control on the field.

01./00. [NDS] Pokémon Ranger: Batonnage (Pokémon) – 242,000 / NEW
02./00. [WII] Deca Sporta (Hudson) – 65,000 / NEW

03./00. [PS3] Armored Core for Answer (From Software) – 54,000 / NEW
04./00. [NDS] SimCity DS 2: From the Past to the Future (EA) – 49,000 / NEW
05./03. [WII] Wii Fit (Nintendo) – 48,000 / 1,752,000

06./00. [PSP] Tales of Rebirth (Bandai-Namco) – 47,000 / NEW
07./04. [WII] Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo) – 41,000 / 1,490,000
08./00. [NDS] Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi wo Yobu Cinema Land (Banpresto) – 35,000 / NEW
09./01. [NDS] DS Beautiful Letter Training (Nintendo) – 35,000 / 101,000
10./00. [NDS] Time Hollow: Seeking the Lost Past (Konami) – 34,000 / NEW


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