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Famitsu review scores

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Inazuma Eleven (NDS, Level 5): 9 / 8 / 10 / 9 – (36/40)
J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (PS2, Konami): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 – (32/40)
Rhythm Tengoku Gold (NDS, Nintendo): 8 / 9 / 9 / 8 – (34/40)
Sigma Harmonics (NDS, Square Enix): 8 / 7 / 8 / 8 – (31/40)
Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Kenfuuchou (NDS, Marvelous): 6 / 7 / 7 / 7 – (27/40)

Beijing 2008 – The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games (PS3, Sega): 3 / 4 / 4 / 3 – (14/40)
Beijing 2008 – The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games (Xbox 360, Sega): 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 – (16/40)


At this point in development, no one is doubting High Voltage Software’s dedication. The team has expressed very sincere thoughts and are literally pulling off every trick they can to make The Conduit one of the best games on Wii. On that note, High Voltage Software is doing their best to create a great online experience, too. HVS CCO Eric Nofsinger recently replied to a message regarding split-screen multiplayer and bots. He did not provide a concrete response, but did mention that they are possibilities. “Thanks for contacting. We are trying our hardest to have as many modes as possible. Our main criterion is that anything that goes in must be stellar quality.”

From the latest impressions of Fatal Frame 4, the most notable complaint has been the nonsensical control scheme. While some argue that the developers have done this purposely so they fit in with the horrific theme of the game, without refined controls, the gameplay just won’t be fun. Unfortunately, the controls aren’t the only issue with Fatal Frame 4, however. The game “features” collision detection problems, menus that are unselectable, and even worse – a bug which completely freezes the game. Obviously, one has to wonder why these issues weren’t noticed beforehand. If Fatal Frame 4 ever hits North American shores – and that is doubtful at this point – we hope that some of these problems, if not all, will be fixed.


The original Rock Band on the Wii isn’t necessarily a terrible game, but it is gimped compared to the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions. The game came out nearly a year after it did on the other next-gen consoles and were missing critical features that made the game a hit. However, Harmonix does not plan on following the same strategy for Rock Band 2. Harmonix was not inclined to divulge specific details, but the company has intentions of making Rock Band 2 a more complete and competitive experience. Based on this, Wii owners should at least be getting DLC.


Now, remember what happened last week. Three different companies “confirmed” their games for August 4th, but Nintendo never released them. Hopefully though, Strong Bad will actually come out on WiiWare this upcoming Monday.

SAN RAFAEL, CA, August 5, 2008 ? Telltale Inc., the leader in interactive episodic entertainment, is announcing that “Homestar Ruiner”, the first of five monthly Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People episodes, will premiere Monday, August 11. “Homestar Ruiner” will release on Nintendo’s WiiWare? download service in North and South America and worldwide on PC simultaneously. WiiWare availability for Europe, Australia and New Zealand will follow shortly.

As the star of the popular web cartoons, Strong Bad has been answering emails (in boxing gloves), pranking his friends, pummeling his enemies, and making people with questionable taste snort milk out of their noses for years. Now he’s branching out to star in the monthly Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People series developed in partnership with creators Mike and Matt Chapman.

Metal Slug 7 trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

A post over at the Telltale forums explains why Strong Bad has yet to be released on WiiWare…

“We at Telltale know that you guys are very excited and eager for SBCG4AP to release, and so are we, but your anger with Nintendo and Telltale is misplaced. In fact, the sole reason for the delay lies in the hands of our partners at Videlectrix. First they delayed the game because they found that some of our coders were not using green text. Apparently they expect all computer code to use green text and mistook our code for a Word document (Which they weren’t able to open). After that debacle, they demanded that we give them an accurate pixel count before we could release the game. We didn’t know what that meant! Videlectrix told us that they wanted to put the number of pixels being used on the box as a marketing device (Ex. Now featuring 100 pixels!). When we informed them that this was a downloadable game and there was no box, well they really let the chickens crow! In an effort to get things back on track we, have sent them an old NES cartridge and let them know that if they blow on it enough, it will play the demo of the game on their “Fun Machine” That seems to have made them happy. So hang in there guys. We are working hard to get this game past the Videlectrix approval board and into your hands (Or hard drives… or whatever!). And remember, if you need to blame somebody, blame Videlectrix!” – Mark Darin, Telltale game designer

Oh Strong Bad, how we love you so. The game is definitely on its way, but we just have to wait a little longer for it to be released.

On the Capcom-Unity forums, after someone made a comment about how the graphics in Spyborgs could easily be achieved on the PS2, Capcom’s Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development Christian Svensson noted that the game would be seeing an overhaul. “You won’t see new assets for several more months. We’re refining it considerably (pretty much as significant an overhaul as Dark Void underwent from its first announcement to its first big reveal). I have seen a new build recently though… it’s coming along nicely. That’s all I’ll say about that for now.

In other Capcom related news, in the most recent issue of Nintendo Power, there is a tiny snippet in the Dead Rising: Chop till You Drop article that explains “the developer’s goal is to fit more than 100 zombies onscreen at once.) I do that that it may be possible to attain this goal, but Capcom will not be able to have the same visual polish at the 360.

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