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Rumors began to circulate this morning about Cave Story releasing on WiiWare when a news post over at Amigaworld indicated an upcoming announcement. However, the post has been since taken down and the original author explained that the situation was nothing more than a mix up on his part. This doesn’t mean that Cave Story will never come out for WiiWare, but for now, there seems to be no plans for the game on WiiWare.

Hudson recently sat down with PlanetNintendo to discuss a variety of topics, including Hudson’s plans for the future. Although the interview was translated, there seems to be news on some new projects from the company. Hudson’s Hiromi Tomisawa seemed to reveal that Bomberman 2 for the DS, Kororinpa 2, and a new project called “Hard Working People” – both for the Wii – will be shown off at this year’s Leipzig. Not too many details regarding “Hard Working People” were discussed, although the game is a new IP. The developmnent team working on “Hard Working People” are putting a lot of effort into the game and promise that the game will be fun.

Tactical Guild trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Those who are awaiting even more details on Tactical Guild can expect character sprites to be based around the items you are using/outfits you are wearing. Also, there are multiple endings.

Admittedly, Tiger Woods 09 All-Play is turning out to be a very great experience for golf fanatics. The game has nearly all of the qualities of a perfect golf game, albeit 100% precise controls. Precision is something EA is aiming to fix in next year’s iteration, with Wii MotionPlus. In an interview with VideoGamer, EA’s Greg Rinaldi divulged plans that partially explains the new peripheral’s role in future Tiger games. “Twisting the controller in 3D space, we can read some of that, but it’s a lot of software trickery for us to do that. We spent a lot of time on that because it’s not in the hardware. The current hardware is focused mainly on velocity and speed. So what the MotionPlus does is actually allow you to get that 3D positional data. Adding that to something like Tiger next year, which is something we’re 100% on board with, we’re hoping that people get the add-on, because it allows us to get as close to a realistic golf swing as possible on commercial hardware like this.”

For all the collectors out there, the fine art team at Red Fly Studio put together some kick-ass trading cards, a poster, and hero statue that will be floating around out there. The poster will be available with Rise of the Fungi (DS) pre-orders and the life-size statue with The Spore Wars (Wii) pre-orders. The first 3 trading cards are in the current issue of Nintendo Power (August issue, along with a contest where 2 families can win a trip to NYC for the 20th Anniversary party at the Nintendo World Store in Sept). You’ll also be able to get them at PAX, the 20th Anniversary Party mentioned above,, and more. The easiest way to make a complete set of 24 cards will be by pre-ordering the games at GameStop (get a pack of 11 for Rise of the Fungi and different 11 for The Spore Wars and then 1 card will be included with each version of the game).

Mushroom Men Sail the Seas of Cheese…

Les Claypool will be headlining and Mushroom Men will be in full effect aboard Jam Cruise 7 ( Leaving out of Ft Lauderdale January 4, 2009, they’ll be tons of artists playing day and night as the ship ports in Belize City and Costa Maya.

For anyone interested in winning their way aboard, GameStop is running a special sweepstakes. Visit for more on that. And for those actually going, they’ll be more great contests to win Mushroom Men stuff while out on the open waters.

Tall Tales of Mushroom Men

There is also a custom Mushroom Men VW Bus in the works (details coming to soon). And the Space Squid writing contest has 1 week left for submissions (details:

“The more people that ask about it, the more likely we are to move in that direction. The very existence of Street Fighter IV was based on people asking about it for so long. If we get a lot of requests it will be something we will think about. It might be difficult to reproduce the graphics exactly as they are, but the gameplay should be completely intact. It’s something we can think about.” – Yoshinori Ono, Street Fighter IV producer

Capcom has been a very big third-party developer on the Wii. Having another high-quality title on the system would be great for the fans. The question is, do the fans want the game on Wii?


A trailer for Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures has been posted on the official website with a few details, but no confirmed platforms. According to GameDaily, however, the game is well on its way to a Wii release. The Wallace and Gromit website has no indication of the game heading to the Wii, but I’m sure this will be confirmed/denied shortly. In the meantime, you can check out the trailer here.


The lack of a Wii HDD seems to be affecting a lot of people these days – Hardcore gamers, developers, and even casual gamers have begun to realize that 512 megabytes of flash memory simply is not enough storage for a convienent download experience. This applies to Vlad Ceraldi, the CEO of Hothead Games as well. Speaking with Kotaku, Mr. Ceraldi expressed that, although he would be very inclided to bring Penny Arcade Adventures to WiiWare, the idea won’t be considered until Nintendo delivers a storage situation on Wii. “I’d love to be on the platform. It’s purely an issue of size limit. Our game is just too big. If they increase that limit or add a harddrive, anything like that we would revisit [WiiWare].”


Pong Toss – Frat Party Games Info Video
Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution Info Video
How Do You Play? Brain Age 2
Shaun White Snowboarding Info Video
All Star Cheer Squad Info Video
BLEACH: Dark Souls Info Video
Viva Piñata Info Video
Game Party 2 Info Video
NCAA Football 09 All Play Info Video
We Love Golf! Info Video


Crosswords DS-Wordsearch Demo (expires 8/03/08)
Crosswords DS-Crosswords Demo
Brain Age 2 Demo
Brain Age Demo
Flash Focus Demo
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 (expires 8/03/08)
Contra 4 (expires 8/03/08)
PICTOIMAGE (expires 8/03/08)
Carnival Games (expires 8/03/08)

The Japanese Mario Kart Wii tournament website has been updated with information about a new tournament. Here’s a lowdown on what to expect:

Course: DK Jungle Parkway
Items: Bananas only
Vehicle: Motorcycles, no bikes
Tournament date: 8/1 – 8/10

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