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This comes from a job posting over at EA…

“Come join the team that created BOOM BLOX, here at Electronic Arts Los Angeles!…[We’re] creating accessible, quick-to-the-fun games for all ages on the Nintendo Wii…Interest or experience with physics gameplay a plus!”

Even though Boom Blox has not exactly been the sales gem EA had probably hoped for, the Boom Blox team will continue work on the Wii. We could see Boom Blox 2 (based on the “physics” part of the job description), or something entirely new.

Rock Band II trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments


Nintendo is continuing with the Mario Kart Wii tournaments, this time dealing with the Twilight House. Although the map isn’t original (it’s one of the battle maps), certain areas of the level are blocked off…And keep in mind, this is with 12 player insanity. The tournament will start on July 15 and end July 25.

-Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (SFC)
-Shining Force II (MD)
-Darius Plus (PCE)


Game Informer review scores

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

Coming from the latest issue of Gamer Informer…

NCAA 09 (GotM): 8.25, 8.5
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith: 8, 8.25
Incredible Hulk: 6.75, 7

Prizefighter: 7.5, 7
Kung Fu Panda: 8, 7
Alone in the Dark: 6.5, 6.75
Top Spin 3: 7.75, 8.25
Rock Band Wii: 8.25, 8.25

SingStar: 8, 8.25
UT 3: 8.5, 8.25
C&C 3: Kane’s Wrath: 7.25, 7.25
Age of Conan (PCGotM): 8, 8.5
Trauma Center 2: 8.25, 8
Civilization Revolution DS: 8.5
Final Fantasy IV (HHGotM): 8.5, 9


Flock! is, more or less, as the title suggests. It’s basically a UFO-catching sheep game, but…The game isn’t coming to the Wii. Flock will be heading to the PSN, PC and XBLA, although as you’ve probably already guessed, this isn’t Capcom’s secret Wii game. However, NGamer still referred to Capcom’s mystery Wii title in their latest issue, so I would expect some sort of announcement at E3. I’m quite curious to know what Capcom’s “surprising taking on a next-gen game” is already!


– ‘woodland ecosystem god game where Disney-style characterisation meets the teeth and claws of the Discovery Channel’
– scrollable environment
– pick up plants and animals
– care for the animals to maintain their happiness level
– clean pollution to keep animals happy
– maintaining the food supplies is important as well (nice vegetation for rabbits, preventing fights between animals)
– you play as the creator’s hand
– animals will attack/be scared of your hand at first
– animals must learn to trust you
– maintaining an ecosystem is important
– encourage animals to band together and create families
– become friends with animals, and they may reappear later in the game
– 25 animal species and 50 plant specimens
– rare seeds to plant for special effects
– 4-player local
– animals will remember which player treated them nicely/poorly
– Wii and DS in 2009



“Major League Eating: The Game” Launches Monday, July 14, 2008 for WiiWare

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. – Jul 11, 2008 – Video game publisher Mastiff announced today that the first videogame based on the exciting world of competitive eating will launch exclusively for WiiWare on July 14th, 2008. Major League Eating: The Game features the world’s greatest gurgitory athletes competing across a variety of foods and venues.

As featured on ESPN during the Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest, NY, MLE: The Game is built much like a classic fighting simulation, with offensive attacks and defensive counter moves, MLE: The Game requires players to master a smorgasbord of weapons including bites, burps, belches, mustard gas and jalapeño flames while cramming and chewing food at a world-class pace. It’s not for the faint of heart, the slow of reflex, or those with an overly strong aversion to a Technicolor reversal of fortune.

Major League Eating: The Game uses the Wii Remote to simulate a variety of eating techniques including the cram, toss, and ‘typewriter.’ Burp-offs and Hot Potato challenges during the contests keep the competition intense and eaters on their toes. Major League Eating: The Game is for one or two players, offers online play and a leader board. MLE: The Game also features eleven of the best-known professional eaters in the world including Takeru Kobayashi, the Japanese eating phenomenon, and American Joey Chestnut, current champion of the world together with eaters such as Tim ‘Eater X’ Janus, Patrick ‘Deep Dish’ Bertoletti, Crazy Legs Conti, Sonya ‘The Black Widow’ Thomas, and ‘The Lovely’ Juliet Lee.

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