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About three days ago, the Official Nintendo Magazine for the UK wrote a blog post that seemed to include a near official confirmation of Animal Crossing Wii:

“Those of you who have read the new issue of Official Nintendo Magazine should already know that Animal Crossing Wii will be unveiled at the conference.”

However, it has been noticed that the post has been changed slightly:

“Of course everyone is hoping that Animal Crossing Wii will be there but what else would you like to see. What would be your dream line-up be?”

The modification either means that the change was made in order for fans not to be disappointed if Animal Crossing does not show up at E3, or as to not give away an early Nintendo secret – the latter of which seems highly probable at this point.

Tales of Hearts DS trailer

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

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Remember, Pokemon Platinum isn’t really a new game, but more of an “expansion” pack of Diamond and Pearl. Still, this should keep Pokemon fans busy while they wait for the next big game. Pokemon Platinum is scheduled for a September 13th release in Japan and other territories will most likely follow soon afterward.


TECMO BOWL: KICKOFF (Nintendo DS / September 2008)

Based on the most popular Tecmo Super Bowl™, Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff will deliver to long time fans and newcomers easy to employ controls, fun, huge plays and exciting cut-scenes. The classic, over-the-top, all-American football game enables players of all levels to engage in a fun filled, fast paced, arcade style of football.

Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff brings a host of new features that will further enhance the gameplay experience, including:

* Customizable Teams: Choose team colors, emblems, player names, team cities and abilities.
* Super Abilities: Tactically use over-the-top plays to take over a game.
* Wi-Fi and Wireless Multiplayer: Play against friends across the country or across the room.
* Variety of Teams: Choose from 32 different teams across the country.
* Cut-Scenes: All-new cut-scenes showing off the dramatic presentation of various plays.
* Stylus Control: Feel the action by using the stylus to control your player.

– Mega Man 1 + 2 coming to the VC soon
– Mega Man 9 NOT a WiiWare exclusive
– Set after the events of Mega Man 8
– Keiji Inafune handling character designs
– 50 new enemy and bosse
– Online leaderboards

Source, story details here

To be honest, the media and gaming fans alike do not know a tremendous amount Monster Hunter 3. The game has received a ton of publicity not only because the game moved from the PS3 to the Wii, but also due to the series’ enormous success in Japan. In general, many people were expecting some news about Monster Hunter 3 at E3 – at least in some form – but at this point, the game looks like it’ll be completely absent from the expo.


On the bright side, an appearance for the Tokyo Game Show in October seems highly probable. TGS has been one of the more well-known events and many Japanese-related announcements have come from previous shows. Christian Svensson, Capcom’s Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development not only reinforced the significance of Monster Hunter in Japan, but has additionally noted that announcements related to the series would come from more Japanese-oriented venues. “(Monster Hunter 3) is increasingly critical (to the Japanese market)… but it’s probably safer to any major MH announcements to most likely come from more Japan-focused events given the importance of the series to that territory.”


OnechanbaraTM: Bikini Zombie Slayers on Wii to be Unveiled at Upcoming E3 Media & Business Summit

CAMBRIDGE– July 10, 2008 – Zombies across the world will meet their match when D3Publisher (D3P) brings the popular bikini-clad samurai sisters Aya and Saki to our shores in Onechanbara™: Bikini Zombie Slayers on the Wii™ console. Bikini Zombie Slayers will ship to retail stores in early 2009, giving gamers their long-awaited taste of the series famous for its iconic characters and heart-pounding third-person hack-and-slash action.

In Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers, Aya is out to find the meaning of her IMICHI ancestors, even if it leads to the answer she does not wish for. Players can master the sword to take full advantage of the Wii RemoteTM motion controls by slashing, swinging and thrusting into zombie enemy hordes. Play as either sister Aya or Saki in single player or with a friend in Co-Op Mode and utilize each of their unique fighting styles and set of moves. Get too much blood on either sister and be driven into Rage Mode and gain more power and agility to destroy enemies faster and deadlier. Every person met and enemy battled brings the sisters closer to understanding who or what is behind the zombie outbreak and putting an end to it.

England, Stourbridge: July 10th, 2008 – Data Design Interactive – a successful video games publisher and games developer, today unveiled NuYu editor lets you put yourself in the game by creating customisable characters that fit your personality. You can then use those characters in compatible NuYu games and even save them to your Wii Remote to take to a friend’s house.

About NuYu

A NuYu (pronounced New-You) is a customisable player character editor exclusive for our Popcorn Arcade Wii range. NuYu’s are customisable and allow the user to capture a likeness, caricature or personality of themselves and others. After creating them, they can be used as participating characters in NuYu compatible games.

The NuYu Editor will be first featured in our soon to be released Kidz Sports – Crazy Mini Golf.

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