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Wii U

All of the sudden, there are a number of uncertainties surrounding the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The game’s season pass won’t be available on the console – at least not right away since Activision is evaluating the situation with Nintendo – and now the newly announced YouTube streaming feature also won’t be on Wii U “at this time”.

The one decent piece of news concerns the possibility of adding the functionality sometime down the road. An Activision representative said YouTube streaming could come to Wii U in the form of a “future update”:

“Wii U will not have this feature at this time, but it is being evaluated for a future update.”


First Wii U consoles go on sale in New York on Nov. 18 with midnight launch event

–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo:

Consumers will have the chance to be among the first in the world to purchase the Wii U console when the clock strikes midnight on Nov. 18 at Nintendo World in New York’s Rockefeller Plaza. Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime will be on hand to count down the launch and sell a new Wii U to the first consumer in line. Fans waiting in line will get premium items (while supplies last) during the event. Note that supplies are limited, and systems will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

Nintendo is also selling New York-themed T-shirts with Mario’s image at the event. All proceeds from sales of the shirts will be donated to the American Red Cross in support of relief efforts from the effects of Hurricane Sandy.

Some great news for people worried that the Wii U Gamepad might get weaker and weaker in charge as the console’s lifespan continues: Reports have surfaced (I believe from ShackNews originally) that players can remove the rechargeable batteries from both the Gamepad and Pro Controller and get them replaced! No word on how much the replacements will cost, but they will be purchasable directly from Nintendo.


Yet another Iwata Asks discussion focusing on the Wii U has been published tonight. The latest talk covers the console’s Internet browser.

We do have a summary of this Iwata Asks for your convenience. It’s posted below. Read the full discussion here.

“The thing about the SmartGlass is that the tablet is a thing that you have with you all the time. Now, in that sense, I understand completely as a consumer and I’m excited to see what these guys do with it. But I do have a problem with it. I now have a screen in front of me on my lap and a screen up on the wall that I’m looking at. Which one should I be looking at? Should I be looking up at the big screen and down, or at my lap and up? Should I be checking down on my lap every few seconds? What’s going to incentivize me to move my eyes from the wall to my lap?” – Game designer Peter Molyneux

This is actually one of the most interesting things I heard brought up about Wii U and other tablet/console gaming solutions! It’s really a double edged sword, because he’s right– sometimes it’s going to be detrimental to have to look between one screen and another, especially in time-critical games like Call of Duty or Tekken. That being said, I think the benefits and possibility truly outweigh the costs! He continued…

“In a way, part of me is excited by this. But part of me is worried that this is a bit of tech which us tech boys get really excited about, and until I see some really great uses of that SmartGlass or the Wii U GamePad, the jury is out for me to be honest with you. I can see it if I’m watching a football game that the scores would come up on the SmartGlass. I’m all there for that. I can see if I’m watching a TV episode and it gives me some background on the actors. I’m kind of there, but I can do that on the internet already.”

He talks a ton more about Wii U, and you can read all of that stuff after the break…

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