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Wii U

Nintendo won’t say how much stock will be prepared for the UK launch of Wii U. That being said, the company did tell CVG that “stock levels will be tight on day one.’

The company said in a statement:

“Wii U stock levels will be tight on day one. However we will be providing retailers with regular stock deliveries in the run up to Christmas in order to meet demand as quickly as possible.”

Earlier today, CVG reported that Wii U stock could be as low as 25,000 units. A separate source, however, indicated that the figure could be between 75,000 and 100,000 consoles.


Lots of ZombiU footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Five seconds. Just five seconds. That’s all you get for now!

Square Enix is planning to launch a beta for the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X early next year. It was revealed on today’s Japanese Nintendo Direct that the test is officially set for February 2013. Consumers who purchase the Wii U Premium Sets will receive a voucher to participate in the beta.

The Nintendo Direct broadcast outlined a few other Wii U-specific details as well. It will, of course, feature HD visuals and use of the GamePad, which will house a transparent keyboard. Players will be able to import their character data from the Wii game as the two versions are housed on the same servers.

I get the feeling that Rayman Legends’ Murfy will be one of those love/hate things, just like Rayman Origins’ Mosquito levels. Some people couldn’t care less about him while others are more open to the possibilities he brings to the table.

For those of you who would prefer playing through Legends without Murfy, you’ll be pleased to hear that the entire campaign can be experienced without his presence. Furthermore, it looks like you won’t need to use the GamePad at all if this is something you’d prefer.

Thanks to thomas for the tip.


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