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Wii U

We don’t have all of the information from Game Informer’s New Super Mario Bros. U cover story, but we do have a smattering of details and images. Screenshots can be found in the gallery above while the new information has been posted below.

– Dozens of levels scattered across one giant map
– Sometimes breaks from the large map to zoom in on areas such as the Cookie Dome or Forest of Illusion
– Map can be panned around in its entirety and seamlessly explored at any time
– You’ll sometimes be allowed to choose between several choices as to which world you want to explore next
– Boost Rush mode: offers more challenge, auto-scrolling
– 7 worlds confirmed by Game Informer: Acorn Plains, Sparkling Waters (tropical), Frosted Glacier, Layer Cake Desert (complete with melting desserts), areas similar to Forest of Illusion and Sky World and a world surround by a tornado
– Bowser has kidnapped Peach yet again
– Boom-Boom is at the end of the mid-world fortresses
– Koopalings are at each of the castles

Source, Via

Game Informer has revealed two brand new game for Nintendo Land. Say hello to Metroid Blast and Balloon Trip Breeze!

We’ve actually seen Metroid Blast previously. It made its debut at E3 2011, but it’s a more complete game now. Balloon Trip Breeze, meanwhile, appears to be completely new.

Details and images of both games can be found in the gallery above.


BGG Productions’ indie PC game Death’s Apprentice is apparently heading to consoles.

Strangely, it looks like the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions will be available early next year. But the Wii U version? That won’t be out until 2015.

We’re waiting for further information, but the console versions will offer multiplayer support for up to four players.


I sort of wish I would have typo’d “launch” and instead wrote “lunch” so that it said “Straight Right talks making lunch”. Oh well. Here’s some good stuff about Mass Effect 3 for Wii U, as well as some (re-confirmation of) information that we heard about earlier:

“It’s going to be a launch title, but of course we don’t know quite yet when the hardware will launch. We intend to be there that same day. It’s challenging [to meet an unannounced launch date].” – Straight Right boss-o man Tom Crago

He also talked a bit more about things they’ve touched on in the past and said that the Wii U is “sophisticated”:

“This is the biggest title we’ve worked on in a long time. There’s a significant technical challenge bringing the game from its original format to the Wii U. It’s a new, different and sophisticated piece of hardware, so there’s a good deal of technical energy that’s been expended making that happen. We’ve made a number of bets on the Wii U, so we’re certainly hoping that the platform comes strongly out of the gate. We’ve got two other titles in development. One of them is original, our own IP, and another is based on another big franchise that will come out in 2013. It’s a big title and you will have heard of it.”

New games are always good, especially for a new platform! Here’s to them succeeding with all of their Wii U endeavors.

Via Eurogamer

You know what I really appreciate in a developer? Humility. The understanding that they aren’t perfect and that they’re trying their hardest to do the best that they can. Self-awareness, I guess would be the way to phrase it, and Mass Effect 3 Wii U developer Straight Right has just that.

“We’re very conscious of not wanting to mess up given the level of expectation and the fact that we’re taking something which, on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and PC, was exceptionally good.” – Straight Right boss Tom Crago

He went on to talk specifically about what their thought process has been with Wii U:

“You look at the game and think ‘how could I possibly make this better?’ The Wii U gives you that opportunity with the GamePad. But first and foremost you say, ‘well, I don’t want to screw this up’. You want to replicate the experience on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as sympathetically as possible. But then you say, ‘how can I enhance this experience?’. We tried to get the game looking great and singing on Wii U, and then use the GamePad to complement this.”

Via Eurogamer

It’s time to learn a little more about Straight Right, the developer behind the Wii U version of Mass Effect 3.

Did you know that Nintendo published the GBA version of Top Gear Rally? That was made by Tantalus, Straight Right’s parent company.

Straight Right CEO Tom Crago gave an overview of the company’s history while speaking with Polygon:

“We’ve been admirers of BioWare for a long time and had actually wanted to work with them on the DS a while back. Tantalus did Unreal II on Xbox so we had some experience with challenging ports, and with the Unreal engine. We also have a great relationship with Nintendo, in that they published one of our titles on GBA and in so far as we’ve always supported their platforms. So I guess the planets aligned and we were able to convince BioWare to trust us with their baby.”

Woah… two Nintendo games taking the center stage of Game Informer’s issue in the span of a year (the other being Skyward Sword)? I am shocked!

New Super Mario Bros. U is indeed the magazine’s cover story for the October issue, and that’s a pretty big deal. There’s a ten-page article on the Wii U game and an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. Game Informer also promises “an extensive feature that will prepare you for the impending launch of the Wii U.”

Between Game Informer’s October issue and the Wii U press event on September 13, next week will be a pretty big deal for Nintendo fans.


Each one of Renegade Kid’s games has appeared on a Nintendo platform. The only semi-exceptions to this are Mutant Mudds and Dementium II, both of which have also been made for the PC.

Even though Renegade Kid has showed interest in the PC as of late, the studio won’t be abandoning its support for Nintendo platforms. In fact, co-founder Jools Watsham wrote on his blog recently that the company “would like to put the majority of our future development efforts into the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop titles”.

“Porting Mutant Mudds to the PC, and selling it on Steam, has the potential of bringing some much needed funds into Renegade Kid, which will go straight into the development of new games. As we’re being perfectly – and frankly – honest here; I would like to put the majority of our future development efforts into the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop titles (we’re authorized Wii U developers now btw – excite!).”

Thanks to Chad for the tip.


Bethesda isn’t in a rush to support Wii U.

PR and marketing VP Pete Hines, speaking with MCV in its latest issue, explained that the company’s “approach has been to put our games out on all of the platforms that will support them.”

Hines went on to say:

“So far the Wii hasn’t fitted into that. Whether Wii U does down the road is TBD.”


Square Enix recently confirmed that it would be pulling back the curtain on the Wii U version of Dragon Quest X at this year’s Tokyo Game Show. New information has since emerged about the company’s plans for the game (and the series overall), hinting that footage from the Wii U game will be shown.

Read on below for an overview of Square Enix’s full plans for Dragon Quest X at TGS.

– Stage is called “Dragon Quest X Wii U Demonstration Stage”
– Hosted by DQX producer Yousuke Saito
– Stage description says that we will be getting information about the Wii U version
– Based on the word “demonstration”, there could be a live demonstration with footage
– This isn’t specifically stated
– Dragon Quest X not playable at TGS
– There will be a “developers special talk”
– Saito and director Jin Fujisawa will detail the game’s big October update
– Series creator Yuji Horii will take part in a live recording of the Square Enix Chan! web radio program
– Horii and Saito will answer questions about Dragon Quest X
– Dragon Quest X photo contest and Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D tournament will be held at TGS

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.


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