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Wii U

Everyone is expecting the Wii U release date, price, and other launch information to be announced in September. Nintendo has pretty much confirmed themselves today.

If you’re looking forward to hearing more about Wii U, you should keep your eyes pealed for news coming on September 13. Nintendo is set to hold a major Wii U press event on that day with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime hosting the festivities. An invitation promises to reveal “more about how the Wii U will change the future of gaming and entertainment.”

So mark your calenders, folks. Even though Nintendo didn’t say it outright, that’s the big day for Wii U.


GameStop has listed a few Wii U accessories on its website. Aside from the “Universal Afterglow Wireless Headset” that works with pretty much all consoles, details on the peripherals are unknown.

The retailer is listing a November 6 release date for most of the products. For the time being, this hasn’t been confirmed.

Source, Via

According to the LinkedIn profile of games director Armando Soto, WayForward has a new multiplatform title in the works. An unannounced project is on the way to the Wii U, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

This doesn’t seem to be Mighty Switch Force HD. I also wouldn’t bet any money on the possibility of it being a new Shantae.

Guess we’ll just have to wait this one out…

Source, Via

Pixel Entertainment has sent us some information clarifying the development of Starbeast and the studio’s other projects.

Starbeast is said to be in a “very early stage in development.” Its slow creation process allowed the team “to fine tune every detail.”

At one point, the game was indeed coming to Wii. But when Pixel Entertainment heard about Wii U, the team decided to switch Starbeast to the new console.

The information we posted over the weekend is outdated. It’s “very different now, due to the extra time.”

Pixel put the project on hold in January. This allowed for the development of a simpler, unannounced 3DS eShop game. Once this new title is done – and we should be hearing about it within a month – development will switch back to Starbeast and a formal announcement will be made before year’s end.

Project CARS trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

With video game sales declining in the US, the Wii U will breathe fresh air in a market that some would say is suffering from a stagnating console generation. The system signals the beginning of a new cycle with brand new hardware, games, and the possibility for lots of sales.

Naturally, the prospects of a new console launch would entice retailers – especially GameStop. The retailer has expressed great excitement about the release of Wii U.

GameStop President Tony Bartel said:

“We’re very excited about the Wii U launch. We’re looking forward to that release, we’re looking forward to taking pre-orders. What we’re really excited about is it’s really the first part of the next console launch.”


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