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Wii U

Killer Freaks from Outer Space may have been in the works since 2009.

A LinkedIn profile from Yoan Fanise lists the development period. In October 2009, Fanise contributed to Killer Freaks’ “Pre production audio direction, Sound effects creation, Music and voice direction.”

We do know that Killer Freaks wasn’t always a Wii U title. It was originally pitched as a completely different project for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It would have featured those crazy Rabbids from Ubisoft’s now well-known IP.


Update: Annnd the big answer to all of this is that it’s not happening, which is probably what made this slightly confusing in the first place. Ubisoft Montpellier is making a Wii U game (Rayman Legends, surely), but a new studio hasn’t been formed. The end.

It appears that Ubisoft has opened a new studio dedicated to making Wii U projects. According to the LinkedIn profile of director Hervé Masseron, more information could be divulged at E3 2012.

A blurb on his CV roughly translates to the following:

“I work on the new game studio dedicated to Montpellier’s new console NINTENDO WII the U. … Meet at E3 for more info”

Masseron has been with the new studio since January 2012.

Another LinkedIn profile, which comes from concept artist Aymeric Kevin, mentions that Michel Ancel and Jean Christophe Alessandri are supervising Rayman Legends.

These findings have led to some speculation that Rayman Legends could be a Wii U exclusive, probably due to the fact that it’s being made by Ubisoft Montpellier. And one of the LinkedIn profiles above does mention that a Montpellier team is “dedicated” to the Wii U. Still, any exclusivity has not been confirmed.

The overall scope of Ubisoft’s new studio is a bit unclear. Is this a brand new division inside Montpellier? Has the Montpellier studio simply been divided? Or is this just a temporary shift in staff?


SAN FRANCISCO — May 23, 2012 — Today, Ubisoft announced that it will kick off the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2012 with an invitation-only press conference at the Los Angeles Theater at 3 p.m. PDT, June 4. The press conference will feature demonstrations and trailers of Ubisoft’s upcoming lineup of franchise hits, including games for the new Nintendo Wii U™, as well as digital titles, special guests and surprise announcements.

Following the press conference, E3 attendees can visit Ubisoft’s booth — #1023, located in the South Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center — to see and play the company’s latest titles. Games available at the booth will include Assassin’s Creed® III, Far Cry® 3, Rayman® Legends, Rocksmith™ and many more. The finale of the ShootMania Marathon, an e-sport competition based on Ubisoft’s ShootMania®: Storm also will be broadcast from the booth on at 11 a.m. PDT, June 6.

Darksiders II associate producer Jay Fitzloff has assured Nintendo fans that the Wii U version of the game will look “at least as good” as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 editions.

Fitzloff told Eurogamer:

“The visuals will be the same. It’s still a work in progress. But I know, at least as good is the way to say it.”

While not the most exciting Wii U update we’ve seen lately, a few art assets from Killer Freaks from Outer Space might have made their way out from Ubisoft. You can bet we’ll be hearing more about the game at E3 – which is less than two weeks away!

Thanks to Captain N for the tip.

Source, Via

A QA tester over at TT Games made a big mistake the other day. Unfortunately, this person leaked an image of the Wii U’s controller, showing differences in the model since it was last shown at E3 2011.

Studios who are working with the Wii U are required to sign NDAs in order to prevent potential leaks. Obviously that doesn’t automatically prevent items from making it out to the public though, as we saw with the Wii U controller image.

However, the broken NDA does come with serious consequences. Erlend Wollan, a system development consultant on various platforms/technologies, claims that the leaker was already fired and could end up in court.

Wollan wrote on Twitter:

“Dev at Traveller’s Tales who leaked updated WiiU controller (now with sticks!) already fired and may be taken to court. Respect NDA’s folks.”

I don’t doubt that the TT Games employee was fired. Even though the leak didn’t appear to be intentional – it was nothing more than a casual update on Twitter – there’s no way the company (or Nintendo) would let this egregious error slide by.

Thanks to Lars H for the tip.


SEGA has confirmed that Aliens: Colonial Marines won’t be running on Wii U at this year’s E3. It should be playable on other platforms, however, such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Aliens: Colonial Marines received a February 12, 2013 release date today. While one would have thought that the Wii U version would arrive on the same day as the PS3, 360, and PC editions, the fact that it won’t be playable on Nintendo’s new console is concerning. It’s possible that the Wii U title won’t be ready until mid-2013 – we can only speculate for now.


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