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Wii U

Nintendo has received some negative feedback for basically hiding the Wii U console at E3. That’s because practically their entire E3 presentation focused on the system’s new controller, leading some folks to believe that Nintendo was simply creating a new peripheral for the Wii!

Obviously that isn’t true and pretty much everyone understands that now. But if you have any doubt, perhaps the shots of the Wii U hardware above will convince you!


This information comes from SEGA’s executive vice president of marketing Alan Pritchard…

“Aliens: Colonial Marines for the Wii U was part of Nintendo’s briefing, so that was great. And Sega and Gearbox have been fortunate enough to be involved with Nintendo from the start. It was a prototype, but we do have it playing on the [Wii U] dev kit. We need to know more about the exact launch timing [of the Wii U] and if it is something that will work for our Aliens franchise. Is it something that is going to be simultaneous? To be up there with the other first- and third-party tech demos…it’s good that we’re part of that thinking for the platform.

It was interesting that Nintendo didn’t really talk about the Wii [during its briefing], which is obviously a platform that is still important for most third-party publishers.

We have some big titles [for the Wii]. Mario & Sonic is a semi-first-party game so that’s going to be important for us this year. We do have some Wii games left in development, and we do have some Wii product in our product road map. We do have some future stuff. How the Wii lands compared to PS2…I don’t think we know though about that yet. They have potential future price drops up their sleeve. But it does need new content, as well as a catalog to drive the new hardware through. Obviously, it’s going to be big for this Christmas, and I think the Wii will be a very viable platform through next Christmas.”


Sonic Generations isn’t coming to Wii because the system can’t deliver HD graphics. However, things are obviously different with Wii U. Does that mean that the game will see a release on the console? Short answer: no.

The title is due out later this year, whereas the Wii U is at least a year away from launch. Some publishers are willing to create a separate Wii U version of multiplatform games coming late 2011 such as Warner Bros. with Batman: Arkham City. SEGA, however, does not think that strategy is reasonable.

SEGA’s executive vice president of marketing Alan Pritchard said in a recent interview:

“The timing just doesn’t work. Generations releases this November, and the Wii U is coming out next spring/summer. I think one of the things we don’t have to do, or reduce where possible, is we don’t want to port games. I think if there’s going to be a Sonic game for the Wii U, it needs to be built from the ground up. It’s more likely that it would be a separate stand-alone installment or in conjunction with a multiplatform release in the future. But to bring out Generations on a platform six or eight months after we release PS3, 360, and 3DS probably won’t be the best strategy.”

The other interesting quote from the comments above is that Pritchard indicated Wii U will launch in spring/summer of 2012. Nintendo hasn’t said anything officially about a release date other than the fact that it could ship anytime between April 1 and December 31. A few days before the console was announced, Japanese publication Nikkei said that it could make it to store in mid-2012.


Shield Pose video

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

This information comes from Valhalla Games’ Tomonobu Itagaki…

“There’s always a possibility. If Nintendo’s fan base increases, especially in terms of hardcore games, then yes. Machine performance-wise, it can handle it.”

According to THQ, Valhalla Games is one of a few THQ studios investigating the Wii U hardware currently. These developers are looking to see which experiences are a good fit for the platform.


Nintendo has been very hesitant to discuss online details for their new console, Wii U. Ubisoft shared some fairly interesting online details for Ghost Recon Online a couple of days ago, but wouldn’t say if the functions that were mentioned, such as a flexible friends list, would be available for all titles on the platform. Well, it looks like we have our answer now.

Charlie Scibetta, Senior Director for Nintendo of America Corporate Communications, revealed in an interview that the system won’t “have a centralized, one size fits all type of online gaming approach.” Instead, Nintendo will be working with third-parties to bring their ideas to the Wii U.

Said Scibetta:

“Online gaming is very important to us. We’ve heard the demands really of the veteran gamers that want that. So we’re going to be very flexible with gaming this time when it comes to online. We’re going to work with third-party partners. We’re not going to have a centralized, one size fits all type of online gaming approach. It’s going to be more of the publishers figuring out what they want to do and then we’ll try to work to bring that to life and make sure our platform can support that vision.”


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