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Wii U

It probably is a good thing that Skyward Sword will be Wii only. The system really needs a big title for the holidays. Plus, it’s been too darn long since we’ve played a console Zelda!


Harada on Tekken Wii U

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment

This information comes from Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada…

“We’re not sure yet. We’re still evaluating the hardware and we’re currently just seeing what we can do with the basic elements that we need to make Tekken. We’re not that far yet. Some examples you could think of for Tekken Wii U could be for perhaps something akin to a strategy guide. Before now you perhaps would have to go into a specific Practice mode in order to learn about your moves and your enemy’s statistics. Now, you could pull up that data on the controller’s screen while you’re fighting an opponent. There are many possibilities for Tekken right now on Wii U.”

Most Wii U games are very early on in development at this point. Since nothing is even close to being final right now, we’ll have to wait until next year’s E3 to see what these games will actually be like.


Chase Mii video

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

This information comes from Satoru Iwata…

“Because we put so much emphasis on the controller, there appeared to be some misunderstandings. We should have made more effort to explain how it works. We haven’t made any kind of blunder, but I should have shown a single picture of the new console, then started talking about the controller. The console is not drastically different, and Wii U is about the controller. The console itself will be almost invisible. There have been two groups of people writing about our announcement – those like the Evening Standard, who have been able to experience the Wii U, and those who have not, and are simply writing about it from wire stories and pictures. They cannot see how this can be a game changer. What Wii U will offer is very different, but I believe we have the strong potential to change the entire format of videogames and of entertainment.”

Those who weren’t aware that Nintendo was going to show a new console at E3 could have been very easily confused over the announcement. The console was practically absent in most of the pictures shown on stage. Heck, even some of the more hardcore gamers were confused as to whether the controller was just an add-on for Wii.

Ah well… Nintendo still has well over a year before this thing ships, so they have time to get their point across.

Source 1, Source 2

I admit, I was among those who let out a bit of a chuckle when I heard the name of Nintendo’s next home console. I mean, come on. “Wii U”? It has less flow than the hoover dam when it has no water in it. Or anything else that has no water, I guess. But that’s beside the point. I wasn’t going to pass judgement on an entire console simple because the name sounded like an ambulance passing by, or a cowboy who just wrangled a large stallion. I wanted to play it first, and so I waited in line for three hours, moved to another line, and then waited in line for another hour before the Nintendo representative opened the gate and I headed into the designated area to get my hands on what could be called the most revolutionary gaming device since the 3DS.

Wii U game mockups

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Hmm… Okami Wii U? Yes, please!

Thanks to Izzo for the tip!


I believe this trailer was shown exclusively at the Ubisoft roundtable on Wednesday night. It’s now available for your viewing pleasure!

We posted this video earlier, but it had the last few seconds of footage cut off. It was actually right as Miyamoto was mentioning Pikmin Wii U.

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