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Wii U

According to Yosuke Hayashi, head of Team Ninja, the DS control scheme found in Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword will be brought over to Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge for Wii U. However, the development team is also implementing traditional button and analog stick-based controls as well.

“It was almost like fate that we’re making making Ninja Gaiden 3 and then we have the option to bring in Dragon Sword controls, that kind of gameplay, to a high spec console version. We feel we’ll be able to give players a new kind of gameplay, a new feel with the new controller.”


This information comes from Square producer Yoshinori Kitase…

“Three or four years ago we joked around about developing a Final Fantasy game on the Wii Fit balance board. But after seeing Wii U revealed at Nintendo’s conference, we are now considering the possibilities of bringing the Final Fantasy series to the format.”

I’m sure we’ll get a Final Fantasy on Wii U at some point. Only question is, what type of game will it be? A mainline entry, a Crystal Chronicles title, or something entirely different?


This information comes from Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg…

“We will be supporting the Wii U. You bet against Nintendo at your peril.”

Hirshberg wouldn’t say how many Wii U titles Activision is working on. Also, it isn’t clear when they’ll be revealed.


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