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The Conduit:
-Mark Sheppard (Main Character Voice actor) deeply involved with promotion of game including traveling to Demos of game etc.

The Grinder:
– Giant Worm-like Monsters inspired by Tremors
– Wolfman do have Nards
– 4 Player Co-Op is the minimum goal perhaps more players
– Wiispeak Support for online play
– Competitive Modes being looked at
– Late 2010 release
– All footage and Demo at E3 made in last 2 months and prior to that game did not exist.
– Will likely support motion+ and have some nice swordplay.
– Open to all feedback regarding gameplay modes etc.

– Investor who wishes to remain anonymous funding the Projects and is constantly apart of the development process and was at the E3 Booth

Source 1, Source 2


Nobunga’s Amibition – Grumble Grumble
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure – Hmmm…
Tower Toppler – Hmmm…
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair – Grumble Grumble


Cocoto Platform Jumper – Hmmm…
Crystal Defenders R1 – Hmmm…
Penguins & Friends: Hey! That’s My Fish – Recommended


Dr. Mario Express – Hmmm…
Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics – Hmmm…
Mixed Messages – Hmmm…
Master of Illusion Express: Deep Psyche – Grumble Grumble
Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games – Hmmm…
Paper Airplane Chase – Hmmm…

“As much as it hurts to lose Muramasa that does open us up to give more resources to other titles. That gave us a little more energy to focus on securing Fragile and other titles as well. In the end when it comes down to the consumer they are still going to play Muramasa. It’s still going to come to North America. We’ve gone out and gotten a title like Fragile, which I doubt any other publisher other than Namco Bandai USA themselves could have licensed for the US. We just started translating so, there wasn’t that much to hand over anyway.” – Ken Berry, Director of Publishing at Xseed

Am I a terrible person for being happy that XSEED is no longer publishing Muramasa? I do feel bad for the company, but hey…XSEED losing publishing rights to Muramasa is allowing North American Wii owners to play Fragile in a few months.



Satoru Iwata decided to unveil the Wii Vitality Sensor at E3 a few days ago, but he failed to provide details regarding the software that the peripheral would support. Today, however, the first details for Nintendo’s game have come to light. The title allows the user to check his/her relaxation level in addition to determining whether the player is breathing in or out. In another section, a human silhouette appears onscreen. The amount of blue water that fills is an indication of the user’s stress level. Of course, you want to aim for greener water, which is a good sign that you’re more relaxed. A metronome, coupled with breathing exercised, will help in reducing stress.

Thanks to _Contra_ for the news tip!

Last week, E3 marked the debut of both Microsoft and Sony’s take on motion control. For Microsoft, Project Natal was introduced while the want controller for the PS3 saw its debut. But Nintendo’s President Satoru Iwata does not seem at all threatened. Rather, he told Times Online that “Nintendo will not be standing still” and that the company is “always at work on something new.”

“So, I am not in a position to judge whether they are a threat or not [Sony/Microsoft motion technology]. And they should bear in mind that over the next year Nintendo will not be standing still. We’re always at work on something new. I am actually looking forward to engaging in that sort of competition, because it gives our whole industry the chance to expand the gaming population.”

Japanese VC/WiiWare update

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Virtual Console:

* Super Mario Kart (Super Famicom, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points)
* Assault (Arcade, 1 player, 800 Wii Points)


* Game Sound Station (1 player, 1,000 Wii Points)
* peakvox escape virus (1 player, 500 Wii Points)


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