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This video is basically Germany’s equivalent of the Nintendo Week video on the Nintendo Channel. You probably won’t understand it, but you can still see some footage of Nintendo games!

Thanks to Johannes for the news tip!


ESRB updates

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

Legend of Kay (DS) – E
Power Punch (Wii) – T
Shepherd’s Crossing 2 DS (DS) – E
Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space (Wii) – T
Rage of the Gladiator (Wii) – T
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (DS) – E
Scene It? Twilght (Wii) – T
Crazy Golf (DSi) – E
Dracula – Undead Awakening (Wii/DSi) – T
World Party Games (Wii) – E
DodoGo! (DSi) – E
AiRace (DS/DSi) – E
Reflectoin (DSi) – E
The Magic Obelisk (Wii(Ware)) – E

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Eager fans of all ages flock to the Nintendo World store in New York on Nov. 14, 2009, to be among the first to experience the New Super Mario Bros. Wii game, the highly anticipated title that lets up to four people play together for the first time in the beloved franchise’s history. New Super Mario Bros. Wii launches on Nov. 15, 2009, for the Wii console.

Nintendo has announced that Pokemon Rumble will be releasing on the Wii Shop Channel this coming Monday for 1200 points. Also, Nintendo Power has shared an interesting piece of news. According to the magazine, there will be a demo of the game, which confirms that Nintendo will be supporting samples of WiiWare titles in North America. A few weeks ago, Satoru Iwata said that Nintendo was considering demos, but at the time, it wasn’t clear if they would only be made available in Japan.


-Bosconian (VCA, Namco Bandai)
-Libble Rabble (VCA, Namco Bandai)


-GG Series: Tetsubo
-GG Series: Drift Circuit
-Art Academy Semester 1 & 2


At E3 this year, Shigeru Miyamoto told reporters at a roundtable event that there would be no online support for New Super Mario Bros. Wii because the game uses all of the console’s processing power. But apparently there’s more to it. On the Nintendo Channel, there is an interview with Miyamoto and he once again talked about the lack of online play. Apparently Nintendo concentrated on local multiplayer only because “it’s more fun if you can see the face of the other people you are playing with.”

“Naturally, Nintendo uses the Internet now and with Super Smash Bros. Brawl we had a game you can play with other people, wherever they are. There will probably be people asking why we didn’t do that with this game as well. Well I think it’s more fun if you can see the face of the other people you are playing with, which is why we concentrated on this design this time.”

– MotionPlus support
– Classic controller support
– Surprisingly violent
– Can target heads/limps, then cut them off (blood effects and all)
– Young deities are up against a race of giants
– Once again, the online co-op is free and supports 4 players
– Weapons customization
– More than 300 weapons


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