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Thanks to Will B for the tip!


Wouldn’t the world have been a sadder place had Koji Kondo decided to take on a profession other than composing video game music? We would have missed out some absolutely fantastic tunes, such as the main themes in Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda. The legendary composer turned 50 today and has been with Nintendo for more than half of his life. Let’s hope he sticks around with the company for many more years to come!

Thanks to Robert for the tip!

Thanks to Ross M for the tip!

Bawang, an ape living at the San Francisco Zoo, had his first encounter with a video game on Friday after a boy accidentally dropped his DSi XL into the gorilla exhibit. Bawang seemed to be quite interested in figuring out how the handheld worked, as the animal was seen flipping it over and examining it in front of its eyes a few times. A younger gorilla, Hansai, tried to take the DSi XL away, though Hansai refused to hand it over.

Shortly thereafter, one of the zoo’s trainers came over to retrieve the device. Bawang willingly threw the DSi XL into the crowd, and was rewarded with an apple. Apparently the gorilla’s at the zoo have been trained to do that, as Christina Spicuzza, the photographer at the scene, explained:

“The gorilla was very interested in trying to figure it out… She (the trainer) told us that they trained them to do that. If anything falls in there they are trained that they get a reward if they throw it back up.”

So, what was the fate of the DSi XL? According to the boy and his family, it’s in perfect working condition. All’s well that ends well!

Source 1, Source 2

Thanks to Kevin D for the tip!


Thanks to Nikola M for the tip!

This particular level of Super Mario World contains a neat easter egg. Eating a green berry will add an additional 20 seconds to the game clock, providing players with more time to complete a level. It’s a well-known fact that the music speed increases once the timer passes by the 100-second mark, so by continuously eating green fruit every when this occurs, you can hear the music speed up to a pretty ridiculous speed. I’m sure that at least a few of you are aware of this, but I thought it was interesting!

As you can see in the video above, a glitch allows players to climb down the second ladder in Donkey Kong and more or less takes you to the end of the level. A lot of gamers are aware of this apparently, but I personally never even tried it! How about you guys?

Of course, this video is poking fun at the flash game Super Mario Crossover. It provides players with the opportunity to play through Super Mario Bros. as numerous characters such as Link, Samus, and Mega Man. Support for Ninja Gaiden’s Ryu Hayabusa is also on the way.

Thanks to Smeagle for the tip!

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