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Update: This is probably the real deal. If you remember, hetoan2 is/was one of the more recognized hackers of The Conduit (thanks to Miyamoto for pointing this out).

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition isn’t even available in stores yet, but it looks like someone has already  hacked the game. A quick glance at the Reflex’s online leaderboards shows that something certainly is fishy. Player hetoan2 already has reached 1,337,420 kills in the global accuracy listings, not to mention that his other stats aren’t exactly normal either. This isn’t a good sign for those looking to have a fair experience with the game’s online modes, but hopefully Activision and Treyarch can take care of any hackers quickly if this rumor is true.

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Initially, Tales of Vesperia was a PS3 exclusive. In 2009, however, the game was ported to the PS3. Now may a Wii release be possible?

Rikiya Koyama, a voice actor for the Japanese version of the game, wrote a new blog post today and acknowledged a Wii edition. After launching on the 360 and PS3, Koyama said that a Wii version would be next. Of course, Namco Bandai hasn’t confirmed anything at this time. And who knows, perhaps Koyama was actually referring to Tales of Graces.

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Mistwalker artist Watanabe may have provided a first look at the art in the company’s new game. The picture, which we’ve posted above, can be found on Mistwalker’s official site under the creator’s page.

Less than two weeks ago, Mistwalker boss Hironobu Sakaguchi said that he is “working hard on a new project” and that the development team is hurrying into the finishing stage. Also, a number of months ago, the company was seen with a Wii development kit in a picture posted on the Mistwalker website before it was edited out shortly thereafter. However, it has not been confirmed where this new game will end up.

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Someone over on the IGN boards claims to know about Nintendo’s secret game is. You know, the one that the IGN Nintendo Team was saying isn’t a B-title. Take these details will a huge grain of salt for now, but it does sound like this game could be interesting if the information is valid.

– Not Pikachu’s Great Adventure
– Not the Mario game Charles Martinet providing voices for
– From an established franchise
– Previews were supposedly going up last Friday but they haven’t yet
– The person says the game “shocked the hell,” out of him he “certainly didn’t expect it”
– Also says: “trust me at this point when I say there won’t be too many people out there who will be blown away when this one gets revealed.”
– Compared to Pikachu’s Great Adventure, he says: “I’d say less cool in concept, but most likely a better game when it’s all said and done. There is one interesting aspect to the title that hasn’t been fully revealed yet. The ultimate quality of this title may hinge on how well this aspect is executed.”


Thanks to Mario354 for the news tip!

Traditionally, details from Famitsu magazine are leaked on Monday nights, before the magazine hits newsstands in Japan on Thursday. However, we’re still without information in spite of the fact that it’s Tuesday morning in North America. Because of this, a few Japanese gamers are running wild with a rumor that the latest edition of Famitsu has been delayed due to a Nintendo announcement. Of course, this would mean that the company requested that Famitsu hold back from sending the most recent issue out.

Shigeru Miyamoto is actually speaking at the Digital Contents Expo this Saturday, and what he discusses may or may not be connected to the rumored announcement. But because no one in Japan apparently has the most recent Famitsu magazine, I’m holding back on posting the review scores from the October 22 edition, as some of the scores might be fake.

Right now, though, you should keep in mind that all of this is complete speculation. There’s a possibility that there really is no announcement and that Miyamoto may not be talking about any new game(s) on Saturday. However, I decided to post this since a few of you have sent this tip our way. We’ll just have to see what happens over the next few days.


Rumor has it that Nintendo has already chosen nVidia’s Tegra System-on-Chip processor for its next handheld system. Because the DS’ hardware foundation comes from 16-bit and 32-bit ARM cores, the “next-gen DS” would most likely be backward compatible with the DS/DSi software. Nintendo is also rumored to be showing the system off for the first time sometime in late 2010. I should note that this information to be speculation at this point. If Nintendo were to use this technology, the upcoming system would be more powerful than the Wii.

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We’ve been hearing all sorts of rumblings surrounding a Wii price cut in North America, but the UK may be receiving a bundle instead. The rumored bundle will supposedly include Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, a Wiimote/nunchuck, MotionPlus, and the Wii console. As was previously mentioned, the bundle would allegedly cost the same price, but consumers who would have been interested in purchasing Wii Sports Resort could save a decent amount of money.


A few weeks ago, we heard that New Super Mario Bros. Wii would be launching in November. This made perfect sense, since Nintendo’s only release is Style Savvy. But no there’s a specific rumored date. Apparently North American gamers will be able to play the title on November 15. Meanwhile, it’ll ship two weeks later in Europe, on November 27. As usual, we’ll have to wait and see if these dates stick but consider this a rumor until Nintendo makes an official announcement.



For the most part, Mickey Mouse’s role in video games has been limited to the Kingdom Hearts series. A few months ago though, leaked concept art and details were released for Warren Spector’s “Epic Mickey,” which will supposedly focus on old/forgotten characters that wish to take revenge against Mickey. And in next month’s Game Informer, the game may finally see a proper announcement.

In the October 2009 issue of the magazine, Game Informer provided the following teaser:


Something epic is brewing

Next month, Game Informer unleashes a storm of epic proportions with its new design and website relaunch, and the star of the show is someone you just might know…

On the second page of the teaser, there’s a picture of Mickey’s head…Just without the face. I’d say there’s a good chance that the cover story for next month’s G.I. is Epic Mickey, especially considering that there seems to be emphasis on the word “epic.”

Thanks to kepo for the news tip!


Factor 5, in the minds of many Wii owners, will most likely always be remembered for their rumored involvement with the revival of Kid Icarus. Yet in the past few months, the possibility that the company has been working on a new Pilotwings game has seemed more likely. There’s a bit of additional speculation about Factor 5 today, though.

Factor 5 is said to have been working on two Wii projects most recently. And apparently, development on both games will be wrapped up by year’s end. Only one of the titles has a publisher right now, however.

There’s also one other piece of interesting news. Although it’s almost a year old, two Wii-exclusive projects were found in an October 2008 listing of a client record from Digital Development Management. Even more intriguing is that Nintendo was listed as the publisher of one of the unannounced titles. As far as the genre goes, it’s action, flight, RPG, or adventure. Perhaps that Nintendo-published game may have been referring to a Pilotwings for Wii.

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