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Talk about odd! An Ocarina of Time 3D player encountered this glitch after completing the game and creating a new file. Somehow, the Master Sword ended up in his possession. That’s one glitch I haven’t seen yet…

Thanks to tipsd9video for the tip!

Nintendo Week (6/20)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Nothing like a little controversy to kick off the work-week! I have been so busy lately, it’s ridiculous, so I’m sorry that I don’t seem as focused as I normally do during videos.


Hey, Allison from Nintendo Week was there! Maybe we’ll see that interview in a future episode.

This video encapsulates the many reasons as to why I’m dying to see this game in North America. Come on, Reggie!

Anyone pick this title up since Thursday?


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