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Wii U

Here’s another Zelda: Wind Waker HD tidbit for you. The game’s opening prologue is entirely skippable, presumably with a simple button press. It’s currently unclear if other cutscenes are unskippable, but right now, it’s looking unlikely.


Nintendo made a small change to Zelda: Wind Waker HD’s title screen. In the GameCube version, a trailer with footage would appear if you left the game alone for awhile.

That’s been removed in the HD title. Players will find that the prologue loops continuously.

Hardly a major change, but a change nonetheless!


Nintendo’s announcement for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition listed a MSRP of $54.99. However, GameStop ended up charging consumers $59.99.

Some fans were curious about the discrepancy, and therefore decided to write in to the retailer’s customer service center for answers. GameStop did respond, and noted that its pricing is “based on many factors including current demand, features and availability.” While it’s true that MSRP usually indicates pricing, the message indicated that this isn’t always so.

The message in full states:

Namco Bandai has sent out a newly updated release schedule for the UK. You can find the full set of dates below.


Source: Namco Bandai PR

Batman: Arkham Origins will offer players a number of different skins. These will be accessible after completing the campaign, creative director Eric Holmes has confirmed.

Holmes wrote on Twitter:

Batman: Arkham Origins’ skins include costumes from Adam West 60?s TV show, Knightfall, The Long Halloween, Earth-2, Thrillkiller, One Million, and Worst Nightmare.

Source, Via

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