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Wii U

Speaking with GameSpot, Nintendo senior communications director Charlie Scibetta said that the Mario Kart brand “is more powerful than ever.” Scibetta referred to the longtime gamers who have played the series for years and newcomers such as kids.

“I do think that the power of the brand is more powerful than ever because you have all the people who grew up on it, so you have that carryover; the fact that they still keep playing into their adult years. And then you also have kids getting into it and you get them involved too.”

Scibetta added that adding innovation and pushing the series to its limits can help keep the Mario Kart series fresh, relevant and popular.

Scibetta also said that Mario Kart 8’s freshness is conveyed through elements including anti-gravity, new vehicles like gliders, and 12-player online support. He believes that the Wii U game will be compelling for consumers due to its classic features and new experiences.


Zelda’s original Wii U outing appears to be farther along than originally thought. Nintendo considered bringing the game to this year’s E3, surprisingly, but Shigeru Miyamoto told Game Informer that the decision was made “to wait just a little bit longer before sharing it with everyone.”

Miyamoto said:

“We’re also working on a new Wii U Zelda game. Work on that is progressing fairly concretely. In fact, we were thinking about showing it here at E3 but decided to wait just a little bit longer before sharing it with everyone.”


Super Mario 3D World won’t just support the GamePad as a control option. Players will also be able to use the Wii U Pro Controller when the game launches later this year.

A Nintendo representative said:

“The final product will be compatible with the Wii U Pro Controller so users will be able to decide which style suits them best.”


Batman: Arkham Origins senior producer Ben Mattes has officially gone on the record and confirmed to Joystiq that Kevin Conroy will not be involved with Batman: Arkham Origins.

He said:

“We’ve got Roger Craig Smith, he’s our Batman. Troy Baker, he’s our Joker. Kevin Conroy, he’s not part of this game.”

Conroy voiced the role of Batman in the previous two Arkham games.

It initially seeemd as though Conroy would be lending his talents to Origins after he announced at the Dallas Comic Con that he’d been working on “the next Arkham” title. But Craig Smith was eventually confirmed for the Batman role, and a deleted tweet from Conroy stated that he is in a new Arkham game that is “coming soon” as opposed to Origins.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut is now coming to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and Mac. The news was announced during a GameSpot stage show just a short while ago.

Square Enix previously announced Director’s Cut for Wii U, but hinted that other platforms could be getting in on the action in the future. The additional platform confirmations probably came sooner than most anticipated.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut will be available later this year.


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