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Dead Cells update 20 due out on Switch next week

Posted on September 20, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Dead Cells

Last month, Dead Cells’ new Barrels o’ Fun update was announced for a summer release on Switch. It seems that there was actually going to be a delay on consoles in order to iron out performance, but the team has reversed course and is now intending to go live next week.

Motion Twin and Evil Empire addressed the situation, providing the following status report:

A few weeks ago we told you the release of our 20th update would be delayed for consoles. This was to give us time to fix some performance issues that seemed to have snuck in with update 19, and since then we have managed to get rid of some of them. However, after seeing the results of some paid QA testing we organized, we haven’t made as much of an impact as we would like.

In fact, we think that it is going to take a couple of months to fix the tricky parts, as the root of the problem is more issues in the way the game was initially coded. So we’ve made the difficult decision to release the update with the changes we’ve been able to make for now – this shouldn’t introduce any more problems for people who have been playing without any issues so far, but we don’t really want to keep this update away from the whole console player community for any longer. So, expect the update to land early next week!

For anyone who is having problems, we are very sorry for the inconvenience, we’re on it and we’ve wheeled out the heavy hitters to help us with the dev headaches.

Dead Cells’ latest update features The Derelict Distillery as a new biome, new enemies, new weapons, explosive barrels and breakable walls, and a new soundtrack. Learn more about Barrels o’ Fun in our original post here.

Source: Switch news

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