[Feature] Some thoughts on Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy is out today. If you’re aware of the series, you probably know what you’re getting yourself into with this digital collection. That’s one of the reasons why we’re not doing a traditional review on Nintendo Everything. Still, I’ve spent some time with the remastered trilogy, and I wanted to share a few thoughts.
I’ve played the first two Ace Attorney games and loved them dearly. I have fond memories of Justice for All in particular. I’ve also now played quite a bit of the third.
All three Ace Attorney games feature a mixture of visual novel, adventure, and even some investigative elements. More often than not, you’ll be reading through text and keeping track of the story. Phoenix Wright is a lawyer, so during court sections, you’ll be exposing faulty testimonies and using evidence to win cases.
You’re probably wondering at this point: what’s new in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, and why should I care? Well, for one thing, you can easily choose between the English and Japanese versions of the Phoenix Wright releases in the opening menu. You can freely move between any of the games at any point as well. There’s 3D support, too, which works quite well for what it is. While the visuals haven’t seen a massive overhaul, they do look cleaner and crisper compared to what I remember from the DS entries.

Perhaps the biggest improvement I noticed is that each title allows you to scroll through text much more quickly. Those who played the games on DS may remember that text was presented automatically and there wasn’t much of a way to speed things up. Text speed could only be increased after beating each game. Thankfully, that’s no longer an issue here. I was surprised by how much of a difference maker this was for me, but it really is quite useful.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy costs $30. Essentially, you’re getting three games for $10 each. That’s a pretty good value, especially for a trio of titles that I’d say hold up very well to this day.
However, if you’ve already played through the first three Ace Attorney games, there’s probably not much reason to revisit this package unless you’re someone like myself – someone who really enjoys replaying great games. As for those who haven’t touched them before? They should definitely consider adding Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy to their digital 3DS collection.