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Iwata: 3DS/Wii U realize what DS/Wii can’t, starting from scratch would be wrong

Posted on May 1, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii, Wii U

During the Q&A portion of Nintendo’s financial results briefing last week, one investor asked president Satoru Iwata if the 3DS and Wii U are improved versions of the DS and Wii. While this person believes the situation surrounding the 3DS will improve thanks to strong sales in Japan, he wondered if the system will “evolve to become something revolutionary and completely different from the Nintendo DS”. He asked a similar question about Wii U.

Iwata responded by saying that Nintendo can’t just throw away what they’ve done with their previous systems and start from scratch. He understood where the investor was coming from, but said “the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U so that each of them is able to realize what has been impossible with the existing systems”. Moreover, he stated that these systems have been made “so that they can realize what has been impossible.”

You can find Iwata’s entire, lengthy response below.

First, in designing and promoting the Nintendo 3DS, it must have been taken for granted that the company has made efforts in order to improve the good points of the Nintendo DS. I do not think it would be the right decision if we abandoned everything and started from scratch. The same line of thought should be applied to the Wii U. We have no such intention as to start from scratch and abandon the strengths of the Wii. As a result, however, people in the beginning may be able to see things that are highly visible and may wonder if it is merely an improved version of the Wii. When it comes to the changes that happen in a sequential manner, anyone can comprehend them as long as, for example, he or she observes the names in an established franchise series in the software lineup schedule, and the company does not have to elaborate on the detailed experiences to be realized with this new software. When it comes to the question of what is going to be revolutionary about each title, on the contrary, it is always hard for our consumers to understand until the time we can finally provide them with the actual and concrete proposals. We have designed and developed the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U so that each of them is able to realize what has been impossible with the existing systems, and we believe that these systems will be able to offer consumers unprecedented experiences, in addition to providing them with improvements from the Nintendo DS and the Wii. Some argue that the Nintendo 3DS appears to be just an improved version of the Nintendo DS partially because the company is yet to provide what it has done for the Nintendo DS with the “Brain Age” series or for the Wii with “Wii Sports” and “Wii Fit.” However, just as not so many people were able to comprehend the potential of “Brain Age” or “Wii Fit” when the company explained about them before their launches, it is not easy for us to convince many people by explaining what kind of new experiences we are developing now. Furthermore, as people in the industry have observed what we have done in the past, if we prematurely disclose our development information, it is possible that products with similar concepts could be launched before Nintendo itself can finalize and launch the products. Please understand that Nintendo cannot elaborate on what we are working on until the time we are ready to make the official announcement because doing so would negatively affect the real impact of our products when they are released into the market. In the end, we have to prove ourselves with results, namely, we have to make it so that you will see the results and agree in the future that the Nintendo 3DS is not only an improved version of the Nintendo DS but also is a brand new offer from the company. Having said that, however, we have not designed them (the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U) to be mere improved versions of their predecessors. We have designed them so that they can realize what has been impossible.Some of the differences that must be rather easily comprehensible with the Nintendo 3DS are such features as “StreetPass” and “SpotPass” communications, which have realized the positive surprises which were not possible with other prior devices. When the company can finalize the development of the software which takes full advantage of these unique functions, for example, if we can do so with the new “Animal Crossing” for the Nintendo 3DS, our consumers will be able to feel and realize that the new “Animal Crossing” is not only a richer version of its predecessors but also how positively such functions can affect their play experiences. At one of the previous opportunities like this, I received such questions as, “Is 3D a good fit for gaming devices?” At that time, I answered by saying, “Please see and play with ‘SUPER MARIO 3D LAND’ and ‘Mario Kart 7’ to make your judgment.” I think that many have been convinced by the actual examples of how 3D viewing can be effectively used in games. We are making efforts so that people in the future will see and play the software, and say that Nintendo has used the exclusive functions of the Nintendo 3DS and the unique functions of the Wii U in a smart way.

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