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Mighty No. 9 returns to crowdfunding for DLC

Posted on October 30, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop

Comcept is getting involved with crowdfunding once again for Mighty No. 9 – this time for downloadable content. If another $190,000 is raised through slacker backers by the end of 2014, backers will receive a bonus DLC code for an extra level and boss, which will arrive in summer 2015.

Comcept already confirmed that the boss in question is Ray. In Mighty No. 9, Ray acts as a rival to main character Beck.

On its Kickstarter page, Comcept wrote:

First of all, let’s clarify a few things up front, starting with what “potential DLC” means: The “DLC” term is there to make it clear that, no matter what, this content wouldn’t ship at the same time as the game. It would be need to be “DownLoaded,” putting the “DL” in “DLC” 🙂

Otherwise, this content would be “extra bonus content” – working the same way it did with the English voicework – that would be added on top of everything already promised as part of the Kickstarter. That means that, if we get the necessary funding from slacker backers we need to make it possible (more on that later), this would be extra bonus content! (FYI the English voicework will be included with the game at launch, but this DLC would come later.)

Also, we want to stress that none of the developers have or would begin working in earnest on this DLC until their work is done on the Mighty No. 9 retail release. (Which, as some of you might know, is typically several months before any game ships for most disciplines, especially artists and such.) Speaking of schedules, if we reach the necessary funding by the end of this calendar year, we estimate this DLC bonus content would be ready to play in summer 2015.

But wait – we still haven’t explained what the content is! Simply speaking, it would be an entirely new level and boss: Beck’s rival, Ray! (That’s a working name, BTW!)


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