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Mighty No. 9 Wii U technical analysis

Posted on June 30, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Videos, Wii U

DigitalFoundry has returned with another technical analysis. Today, the outlet is taking a look at how Mighty No. 9 shapes up on Wii U. The results unfortunately aren’t pretty.

One of the biggest issues with Mighty No. 9 on Wii U is the frame rate. It’s uncapped, and due to dips, results in a very unstable experience. The action can apparently drop to as low as 12 frames per second.

Loading times can be another cause of frustration. It’s estimated that loading a new stage takes 20 seconds, with tedious waiting also needed after dying.

Here’s the full analysis, including a look at how the patch improves loading times slighty:

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