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Miyamoto open to making a smaller-scale game, currently has his hands full with other projects

Posted on March 9, 2020 by (@Oni_Dino) in General Nintendo, News

Shigeru Miyamoto has been responsible for some of the most iconic game franchises ranging from Mario to Zelda. These days though, he’s not quite involved in Nintendo development as he used to be. Miyamoto could be interested in making a new, smaller-scale title down the road, but told Famitsu in the Japanese magazine’s latest issue that he’s busy with other projects.

Here’s our full exchange between Miyamoto and Famitsu:

Miyamoto: I often think in the back of my head that it’d be nice to work on a small project with a group of several people. But at this moment in time, I’ve got a lot of exciting things on my plate other than that.

—Speaking just as a fan of video games, I would really like to a play another game made you. Would you say that you have an interest in making another, even if it’s on a smaller scale?

Miyamoto: I do, yes. When that time comes, if I can somehow discover an inspiration that I haven’t had before, I’d really like to make that. Nowadays, if I say, “What do you think about making this?” to those around me, they’re not very receptive. I know it’s going nowhere when they respond with, “Oh, huh. Interesting.” (Laughs)

—Poor Mr. Miyamoto! (Laughs)

Miyamoto: Well, it’s because I don’t have a development team of my own anymore. But once they get going on something and are nearing the end, they might say, “Ah, now I see what you were getting at.” I love hearing that. I love telling them, “Yup, that’s right.”

—So, when you say an inspiration that you haven’t had before, examples of this are things like, “Wii Music”, “Nintendogs” and “Pikmin”, right? Those are all games you created by discovering simple enjoyment in your everyday life; are you currently looking for that kind thing?

Miyamoto: Yes, I am – stuff that’s right under my nose.

—So… what have you been up to lately?

Miyamoto: Ah, my PR spokesperson told me not to say. My interests could turn into Nintendo products one day, you know. (Laughs)

—I see!

We’ve translated a number of excerpts from Famitsu’s Miyamoto interview over the past few days. You can find them here

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