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More Bravely Second details

Posted on December 12, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Another wave of Bravely Second details have come out of this week’s Famitsu. Producer Tomoya Asano and character designer Akihiko Yoshida discussed the game’s various aspects, including:

– Many details haven’t been decided as the game is only 30% complete
– More announcements regarding these will be made later
– Magnolia was made during a scenario brainstorm meeting
– The character was created after the keywords of “people of the moon” and “returnee” came to mind
– The team originally considered giving Magnolia some kind of space outfit and bunny ears
– Eventually decided to go with a character who showed “adultness”
– “Adultness” was a feature lacking in Bravely Default’s characters
– Experience gained from Bravely Default will help the team make a game that is much more polished than before
– The illustrators are currently working on characters and job designs
– Many of them will be quite unexpected

We also have the following quotes from Asano:

“There were actually several concepts, but out of all of them, the idea of ‘surpassing the previous title’ left the biggest impression. We were aware that the previous title was to get fans to like the characters and world, so we decided to have a sequel that takes place several years later, and has more to do with Luxendarc.”

“As we did previously, and for the sake of Japanese RPG fans, we’re developing with the goal to create a new pillar of support for Square Enix, while surpassing the previous title. I believe that it may take a little while longer until you’ll get to play the game, but we’ll be revealing new information little by little, so I hope you continue supporting us while looking forward to what’s coming.”


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