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More talk from IGN’s George regarding Nintendo’s Japanese Wii games statement

Posted on June 28, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Nintendo will be making a statement to IGN in the very near future about the campaign that has been began just a few days ago in hopes of bringing a few Japanese titles to North America. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Their remarks should be coming in the very, very near future.

At this point, I don’t see how Nintendo can dodge the question about these missing Wii games. There has never been a campaign like this before and the Big N is definitely aware of what’s going on.

While you wait for their statement, you can check out a bit of perspective from IGN’s Nintendo executive editor. Note that a few hours before the day ended on Monday.

Just thought I’d jump on here with an update – you’re not going to get a comment today, obviously. It’s the end of the business day and has been for a couple hours now. I’m about to head out in a few myself.


Nintendo assures me a statement is coming. They generally don’t keep quiet like this unless they’re mulling over what to say or are approving through Japan. If they really don’t want to say anything, they’ll kick it aside pretty fast. Sometimes, however, they will take a day or two only to come back with something that really isn’t significant. (Sometimes they’ll do that for a simple ‘no comment’ though that’s a little rare.) It could be that they want to say something but Japan disagrees. It could be they’re debating exact wording. They’ve seen your passion though, so don’t discount that. I have to say this whole thing has been pretty remarkable. Even if nothing comes of it, the folks involved with Operation Rainfall have managed a pretty cool (and calm) feat here. It’s admirable to say the least.

So we’ll see. Like I said, don’t expect them to come out with everything you want to see. I think you’ve made an impression at the very least. They had already seen everything by the time I sent them an e-mail asking for comment.

I will tell you we’re importing the games here and if Nintendo stalls, says nothing of worth or denies the games to North America, it’s likely we’ll have a few things to say on IGN. I have an editorial rolling around in my head if they decide to not bring the games here. There is a serious question to be asked about how Nintendo expects to “summon” the core in 2012 if they won’t support them in 2011. These three games aren’t exactly a flood of support, and I doubt they’ll sell a ton, but it’s more of a gesture to the millions of fans who blindly invest in Nintendo, who believe in Nintendo rain or shine.

Anyway. I appreciate the enthusiasm but let’s not get too crazy here. This is not MEGATON!!! and I don’t want it to be that all over again. Just stay tuned. I’ll try to give you a warning on Twitter/MyIGN when I have the statement and will get it on the site as fast as I can.


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