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Natsume teasing 3 Nintendo announcements for E3, news on VC titles as well

Posted on June 2, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii U

Natsume has three Nintendo-related announcements in store for E3 2014, the company has teased. That’s in addition to the news Natsume will be sharing about new Virtual Console releases.

Community manager CeeCee wrote in a recent “State of the Farm” Tumblr update:

We’re saving a few secrets for closer to the show, but expect not one, not two, but THREE new Nintendo titles we’ll be announcing leading up to and at the show! This doesn’t include any classic eShop titles (and we’ll have some news on those as well). Will they be 3DS, Wii U, or a mix of the two, you ask? You’ll have to tune in from now until June 10th to find out! 😀

I originally thought that Natsume would be announcing a localization for the latest Harvest Moon 3DS game, but as we know, XSEED ended up with the publishing rights. It’ll be interesting to see what’s announced!


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