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PlatinumGames: Bayonetta 3 not cancelled, take any concerns you have and throw them out the window

Posted on May 21, 2020 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Bayonetta 3

PlatinumGames has been asked about Bayonetta 3 plenty of times over the past couple of years. The developer has given optimistic status updates, but we’ve still yet to see the game in action. Because of this, some fans seem to be holding on to the idea that the project has been cancelled. Fear not, however.

PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya was again asked about Bayonetta 3 as part of an interview with VGC. Kamiya reiterated that it hasn’t been cancelled, and fans should “take any concerns you have like that and throw them out the window immediately”.

Kamiya said:

“I’m on Twitter so I see a lot of comments every day. I’m happy that there’s still anticipation for the title, but one thing I would like to address is the trend I’m seeing which is people who are starting to ask if the game has been cancelled. I want you guys to take any concerns you have like that and throw them out the window immediately because we’re still hard at work on it and it hasn’t been cancelled by any means. Please look forward to it!”

Nintendo and PlatinumGames announced Bayonetta 3 at The Game Awards 2017. Since the debut trailer, nothing new has been shown.


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