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Rumor: New amiibo references spotted within Splatoon’s files, possibly Squid Sisters

Posted on January 30, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U

Last year, Nintendo released three amiibo for Splatoon. We currently have the Inkling Boy, Inkling Girl, and, Inkling Squid figures. Could more be on the way?

NWPlayer123 has built a reputation for leaking new content for Splatoon ahead of official reveals. In the past, we’ve found out about levels and weapons among other elements before they were announced. NWPlayer123 now seems to have unearthed evidence of new amiibo figures.

“AmiiboIdolA” and “AmiiboIdolB” have both been found within Splatoon’s files. These two were likely included in the game’s most recent update. Given the names, would one think that they’re referencing the Squid Sisters.

We’ll let you know if we hear anything else about this rumor.

Thanks to Mattrio for the tip.


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