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Sakurai not required to show up for work every day, but does so anyway

Posted on November 7, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

Masahiro Sakurai attends work at Namco Bandai each day so that he can work on the latest Smash Bros. entry. Despite his lingering arm condition, he still makes sure to show up at 10 AM without taking any unnecessary days off. That doesn’t mean he’s forced to, though.

Sakurai, writing in his bi-weekly Famitsu column, said his office hours are completely up to him.

“My office hours are up to me. So long as I complete the new Smash Bros., I could show up only once a week, or only at night, or even telecommute if I wanted to.”

Sakurai also spoke about he ensures he gives his approval on all aspects of the game. He meticulously looks at the underlying elements, like the motions and UI.

“It’s just as important to check the specifications behind the development of things like graphics, sound, motions, characters, stages, game modes, and UI, not just the products themselves.”


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