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Splatoon screenshot/art (1/26/14)

Posted on January 26, 2015 by (@KiraraKoneko) in Screenshots, Wii U

Screen shot 2015-01-26 at 5.38.28 AM


Screen shot 2015-01-26 at 5.38.48 AM

This store in the plaza is a one-stop shop for all your clothing needs. If our intel is reliable, it offers a wide selection of threads that are both functional and fashionable. Although, they never seem to have any pants in stock. Probably because jellyfish prefer to go au naturel.

This is Jelonzo, the charismatic clerk that runs the clothing shop. With his uncanny sense for the hottest trends, he’s viewed as a fashion god of sorts by all the young squids in town. He hails from distant waters and has a strange way of speaking that can make it difficult to understand him, but that may be one of the secrets of his success.


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