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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Screenshots (6/10/14)

Posted on June 10, 2014 by (@gamrah) in 3DS, News, Screenshots

We’re only hours away from Nintendo’s E3 showing so this is no doubt the first of a few screenshots we’ll see from Sakurai and team this week. Today’s screenshots discuss a unique stage exclusive to the 3DS version:

New Super Mario Bros. 2 is a game where you collect tons of coins. Thus, it’s only natural that many coins will appear in this stage… Wait, is this really Super Smash Bros??

Apparently when you collect enough coins:


If you collect 100 coins, you transform into a gold fighter! For a short period of time, your attack power will increase and you won’t flinch when you receive attacks. This unique stage’s name is Golden Plains and it’s exclusive to the 3DS version.

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