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It was hard to keep the secret, but finally we can spill those edamame beans…
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is coming to the Nintendo Switch™ in 2017!

A few months ago Nintendo contacted us. A reunion was held in mushroom kingdom under a veil of absolute secrecy, where they suggested we could bring the game over to their upcoming platform. Needless to say it was a unique opportunity and as soon as we saw the system we knew we wanted to get the game on it. We started working on it and well, HERE WE ARE!

The game plays fantastic on the Nintendo Switch! It runs at a smooth 60 FPS, the screen and colors in handheld mode are amazing, and it plays just as well in full HD when docked. We can’t wait to show you more!

In the meanwhile, you can check out the official console page if you would like to know more about the Switch (available worldwide in March 2017!).

If you don’t plan to dock yourself on the Switch bandwagon just yet, rest assured, the game will also be coming to other platforms! We will announce them as well as the game release date as soon as we are ready… and we’ve got a bunch of other cool news coming.


Polygon has posted a video containing 17 minutes of footage from Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. Check it out below.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

The second developer diary for Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is live, revolving around music and sound design. Check it out blow.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

The first developer diary for Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap has been published, showing members of the team traveling to Japan in time for BitSummit and meeting with series creator Ryuichi Nishizawa. Watch the video below.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap

Earlier this month, Lizardcube and DotEmu announced Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap. The project is planned as a modern version of the SEGA Master System game. In fact, series creator Ryuichi Nishizawa is even on board.

It now looks like we can say that Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap will be on Wii U. An official listing on BitSummit’s website lists the game for Nintendo’s console.

Here’s an overview:

Cursed into a half-human, half-lizard monstrosity by the Meka-Dragon, a lonesome adventurer is facing the challenge of a lifetime! In search for a cure, our mutated anti-hero will explore the many traps of Monster Land… and defeat many stuff-throwing, curse-wielding dragons. How many more transformations can one hopeful body survive as it turns into a Lizard, a Mouse, a Piranha, a Lion, and a Hawk… The six different forms of our shape-shifting hero make up the cast of this non-stop action-adventure platformer!

And a trailer:


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