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Hamster has prepared a few videos for its recent Neo Geo releases on Switch from the Arcade Archives series. We’ve rounded them up below.

Another Neo Geo game is joining the Arcade Archives series in Europe tomorrow. Just like in Japan, NAM-1975 will release on the Switch eShop. It should cost £6.29.


The first wave of Neo Geo Switch games from Hamster’s Arcade Archives series debuted in Europe and Japan last week. Unfortunately though, many players quickly became aware of issues pertaining to brightness and audio.

Hamster has heard the complaints and is already looking to address the situation. Next week, the games should be updated to correct the reported problems.

Also worth noting, NAM-1975 is coming to the Japanese Switch eShop tomorrow. It will cost 823 yen.


Despite being a couple of days out, we’re still finding out about new Switch eShop launch games. We previously heard that Arcade Archives is set for release in Japan on Friday, but the same may be planned for North America as well. Hamster’s website says that the “ACA Neo Geo series will start from March 3, 2017 on Nintendo Switch”. That’s technically not an announcement, but we’re very hopeful.


This week, Famitsu provides yet another feature on Switch. The magazine interviews Satoshi Hamada from Hamster about the company’s Arcade Archives plans and more.

Hamster received requests from fans to bring the Arcade Archive series to portable devices. Since Switch acts as a handheld in addition to a console, they thought this would fulfill these wishes.

The Arcade Archive series has a feature to rotate the screen to play vertically-displayed arcade games. With Switch, you can easily stand the display vertically, so he think it’ll well fit for the system.

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