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Heart Machine

This was serious — we all have a deep love for the platform, and that type of money would allow us to hire someone full time to ‘down-port’ the game. Of course, it would be a hefty task and there would be significant differences — fewer enemies, effects and animation frames due to memory limitations — though I think we could adjust and make something incredibly special with ‘Super Hyper Light Drifter’ regardless. It’s a dream goal to put it up on my favorite console of all, and I hope to accomplish that dream sooner than later. Maybe once we release the game we will have the opportunity to accomplish this.

– Hyper Light Drifter creator Alex Preston

Alex spoke with RedBull Gaming about plenty of other things, particularly mentioning the potential inclusion of an area of the game that uses Mode7-like traversal– a ‘fun vehicle section’ as he calls it. Plenty of things to be excited about here!

Via NintendoLife

Heart Machine is looking to maintain a similar experience for Hyper Light Drifter across all platforms. That means the Wii U, which can offer unique features in its own right thanks to the GamePad, won’t be much different than the other versions. Heart Machine does intend to include off-TV play support, though that’s about it.

Creator Alex Presto spoke with EDGE this month about maintaining his original vision for Hyper Light Drifter. He said:

Even if we put it on 3DS, we wouldn’t just toss weird touch elements in there for the sake of having them, and it’s the same thing for Wii U. Sure, we want to be able to play on (the GamePad’s) screen, but it’s a game that’s really all about classic controls, and we don’t want to change that for any one console. We want everyone to experience the game as we envisioned it.


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