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Jeffrey Yohalem

Child of Light will soon be receiving a patch to change the game’s difficulty names. In the future, “normal” and “hard” will be modified to “casual” and “expert”.

Writer Jeffrey Yohalem told Joystiq during a live-stream event:

“In a patch that’s coming up, we’re changing the names to ‘casual’ and ‘expert’. This has been an issue, obviously, that some people have had, and I think that the word ‘normal’ is a misrepresentation …. Or, rather, implying that there’s one way to play that’s normal is, I think, too strong.”

“Casual is for people that want to experience the world and experience the adventure without having hard combat, and then expert is for people who love RPGs and who want to really have a challenge.”

Yohalem feels that those who have experience playing role-played games should try Child of Light on the “hard” difficulty for the time being.


Polygon recently published a new Child of Light preview with new details about the upcoming downloadable game. Read on below for the information, plus comments from writer Jeffrey Yohalem.

– Combat system has traditional elements but has a twist
– Game rewards clever thinking over button-pushing dexterity
– One level takes place in a subterranean network of caves back with big spiders and three-legged archers
– One player can play as Aurora while another controls the floating spark sidekick Igniculus
– Head through the caves and battle enemies
– Combat system based largely on the system from Grandia 2
– Sneak up on enemies in order to gain an advantage in battle
– Can attack first if you drop on enemies from above or behind
– Battles are set on several raised platforms
– Platforms were inspired by the designs of opera sets
– Bar at the bottom screen tracks the amount of time between each combatant’s attack
– Small pictures of each combatant will move along the bar as they prepare to attack
– At the end of the bar is a smaller bar colored red
– Characters that are attacked while their picture is in the red zone will have their attack “interrupted”
– This resets their charging time and starting them over from the beginning of the bar
– Dialogue is structured like an epic ballad
– Every second and fourth line in its poem-like structure rhyme
– Yohalem wrote the first 10 pages of the script before he realized it “had to be a poem”
– He then decided to write the script directly into poem format

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