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The RPG Revenant Saga, previously distributed on Wii U, is confirmed to be releasing on the Japanese Switch eShop next week. It looks like it’s the same case with North America and Europe as well. According to listing on the eShops in both regions, it’s due out on October 19.

Haven’t heard about Revenant Saga before? The following trailer should give you a pretty good idea about the game:

Source: Switch eShop

Revenant Saga previously released on the Wii U eShop. Next week, the RPG is arriving on Switch in Japan digitally. The Switch eShop lists it for October 19.

Here’s an overview of the game:

After being turned into an immortal being known as a “Revenant” and learning of the existence of a demon within him, Albert sets out on a journey to make the person who did this to him pay with their very life. However, as he runs into others along the way dealing with their own figurative demons, what is the answer he finds…?

Boasting a story that blurs the lines between good and evil, and plenty of content to go around, this is one title not to be missed! This includes a variety of unique subquests, in-battle transformation systems, as well as a weapon forging system allowing players to make entirely unique weapons as they battle in turn-based battles with 3D animation!

And a trailer:

Revenant Saga will cost 999 yen. It’ll likely be coming west at some point soon.

Source: Switch eShop

Symphony of Eternity will be available on the North American eShop later today. Kemco has now released an English version of the trailer for the game, as well as the game’s opening movie. Watch them both below:

Kecmo and Hit-Point’s string of digital 3DS RPGs continues. Tomorrow, Symphony of Eternity will be landing on the North American eShop.

Nintendo’s website offers the following overview:

A few years ago, Kemco released the RPG Sora no Folklore for mobile. That same RPG is now crossing over to 3DS in Japan next week.

Sora no Folklore is due out in Japan on October 11 for 800 yen. View a trailer for the game below.

Crystareino is out now on the 3DS eShop in both North America and Europe. Watch the English launch trailer for the downloadable RPG below.

Kemco released the 3DS RPG Symphony of Eternity on the Japanese eShop today. Have a look at the official trailer below.

Kemco isn’t slowing down with its RPG releases. Next week, the company is bringing Crystareino to the Japanese 3DS eShop. Check out a trailer below.

Some screenshots have come out for the Japanese Switch eShop game, Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P.

You can check the screenshots out below.


The Japanese Switch eShop has updated with a new upcoming game. The horror visual novel Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P will be available on August 3, according to a listing on the store. It will cost 3,000 yen.

Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P previously came out on mobile before coming to the PlayStation Vita. That version featured revamped visuals and new scenarios with full voices for CG events. On Switch, Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P should be based on the Vita release.

We’ve included the Switch trailer for Rei-Jin-G-Lu-P below.

Source: Switch eShop

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