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A Juggler's Tale

New gameplay is available for A Juggler’s Tale, the cinematic puzzle-platformer coming from Mixtvision and Kaleidoscube. The title landed on Switch earlier in the week.

Here’s some information about the game:

A Juggler's Tale trailer

The cinematic puzzle-platformer A Juggler’s Tale has launched, and we have a new trailer to celebrate. Switch owners can pick up the title now.

For more on the title, check out the following overview:

A Juggler's Tale

Publisher Mixtvision Games and developer Kaleidoscube have set a release date for A Juggler’s Tale, their new 3D side-scrolling adventure game. The Switch title is slated for a digital release on September 29.

A Juggler’s Tale was first announced for Switch in March 2020. Outside of a general 2021 launch window, we hadn’t heard anything else about when the game would be available.


Mixtvision has announced that it’s partnering with French studios Lance and 3-50 to release their debut game Onde. The project, a “sound-surfing platformer”, is lined up for a 2022 launch on Switch.

Here’s everything you need to know about Onde:

Minute of Islands

Yesterday, the puzzle-platformer Minute of Islands saw a surprise release on Switch. View some footage of the title in the video below.

Minute of Islands can be purchased on the Switch eShop. For more information and a trailer, head on over here.

Minute of Islands

Without any prior announcement from Mixtvision and Studio Fizbin, Minute of Islands has just launched on Switch. It’s up now on the eShop.

Minute of Islands was previously expected on March 18. However, it ended up receiving a last-minute delay. There was no word on a new release window at the time.

Here’s an overview of Minute of Islands, along with a trailer:

Minute of Islands

Minute of Islands was given a March 18 release date last month, but the game is now seeing a delay. Mixtvision and Studio Fizbin are postponing the launch after discovering “some major technical issues that occurred during the last round of testing”.

Studio Fizbin director Anjin Anhut said of the decision:

Minute of Islands

Back in 2019, Mixtvision and Studio Fizbin unveiled the puzzle-platformer Minute of Islands. The two sides have now shared a follow-up announcement, today announcing that the game will be launching on March 18.

Here’s some information about Minute of Islands plus a new trailer:

A Juggler's Tale

The atmospheric 3D sidescroller A Juggler’s Tale has received a new Gamescom 2020 gameplay developer walkthrough. View the video below.

A Juggler’s Tale is targeted for release in 2021.

Minute of Islands

Mixtvision and Studio Fizbin have prepared a new Gamescom 2020 trailer for Minute of Islands. Get a closer look at the narrative puzzle platformer below.

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