Peter Moleunex shares his thoughts on Switch and more, says it’s “really fantastic”
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
A couple of months ago, Famitsu conducted an interesting interview with Peter Molyneux. Best known as the creator of Fable, Molyneux and the team at 22cans brought The Trail: Frontier Challenge to Switch earlier this year.
During one part of the interview, he was asked about his honest impressions of the hardware. Molyneux said in response:
More: interview, Peter Molyneux, top
Video: Peter Molyneux says you shouldn’t underestimate Nintendo, talks more about Wii U
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos, Wii U | 17 Comments
More: interview, Peter Molyneux
Peter Molyneux says Wii U is “clumsy” and “awkward”
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 62 Comments
Peter Molyneux isn’t ruling out Godus for Wii U, going so far as to say that it’s a “possibility”. However, this would only happen “if you tweak that very clumsy device,” he told Develop. Molyneux also mentioned to the site that he feels that “Wii U very awkward.”
Here’s Molyneux’s full statement about Wii U:
I think the Wii U, if you tweak that very clumsy device, is a possibility but I find Wii U very awkward.